Part 1. The Mental Simulation of Action and Behavior. J. Decety, J. Stevens, Action Representation and its Role in Social Interactions. S. Beilock, I. Lyons, Expertise and the Mental Simulation of Action. S. Kosslyn, S. Moulton, Mental Imagery and Implicit Memory. E. Amit, D. Algom, Y. Trope, N. Liberman, Thou Shalt not Make Unto Thee any Graven Image: The Distance-Dependence of Representation. T. Faude, D. Wuerz, P. Gollwitzer, Implemental Intentions: The Mental Representation and Cognitive Procedures of IF-THEN Planning. Part 2. Mental Simulation and Memory. D. Bernstein, R. Godfrey, E. Loftus, False Memories: The Role of Plausibility and Autobiographical Belief. S. Lynn, S. Barnes, A. Matthews, Hypnosis and Memory: From Bernheim to the Present. K. Szpunar, K. McDermott, Episodic Future Thought: Remembering the Past to Imagine the Future. L. van Boven, J. Kane, A.P. McGraw, Temporally Asymmetric Constraints on Mental Simulation: Retrospection is more Constrained than Prospection. Part 3. Counterfactual Thinking: Simulating the Past. R. Byrne, V. Girotto, Cognitive Processes in Counterfactual Thinking. E. Wong, A. Galinsky, L. Kray, The Counterfactual Thinking Mind-Set: A Decade of Research. K. Markman, F. Karadogan, M. Lindberg, E. Zell, Counterfactual Thinking: Function and Dysfunction. Part 4. Alternatives and Alternate Selves. L. Sanna, N. Schwarz, L. Kennedy, It¿s Hard to Imagine: Mental Simulation, Metacognitive Experiences, and the Success of Debiasing. M. Taylor, A.B. Shawber, A.M. Mannering, Children¿s Imaginary Companions: What is it like to have an Imaginary Friend? E. Klinger, Daydreaming and Fantasizing: Thought Flow and Motivation. M. Green, J. Donahue, Simulated Worlds: Transportation into Narratives. Part 5. Perspective-Taking: Simulating Other Minds. R. Saxe, The Happiness of the Fish: Evidence for a Common Theory of One¿s Own and Others¿ Actions. C.D. Batson, Two Forms of Perspective Taking: Imagining How Another Feels and Imagining How You Would Feel. M. Myers, S. Hodges, Making it up and Making do: Simulation, Imagination, and Empathic Accuracy. N. Epley, E. Caruso, Perspective Taking: Misstepping into Others¿ Shoes. Part 6. Simulating and Preparing For the Future. B. Klein, L. Zajac, Imagining a Rosy Future: The Psychology of Optimism. E. Dunn, N. Forrin, C. Ashton-James, On the Excessive Rationality of the Emotional Imagination: A Two Systems Account of Affective Forecasts and Experiences. E. Perunovic, A. Wilson, Subjective Proximity of Future Selves: Implications for Current Identity, Future Appraisal, and Goal Pursuit Motivation. L. Libby, R. Eibach, Seeing the Links Between the Personal Past, Present, and Future: How Imagery Perspective in Mental Simulation Functions in Defining the Temporally Extended Self. D. Oyserman, L. James, Possible Selves: From Content to Process. G. Oettingen, A. Kappes, Mental Contrasting of the Future and Reality to Master Negative Feedback. M. Zeelenberg, R. Pieters, On the Consequences of Mentally Simulating Future Forgone Outcomes: A Regret Regulation Perspective. P. Carroll, J. Shepperd, Preparedness, Mental Simulations, and Future Outlooks.