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Handbook of Humidity Measurement, Volume 3: Sensing Materials and Technologies b

Because of unique water properties, humidity affects materials and many living organisms, including humans. Ghenadii Korotcenkov earned his PhD in material sciences from the Technical University of Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova in 1976 and his doctor of science degree (doctor habilitate) in physics from the Academy of Science of Moldova in 1990 (Highest Qualification Committee of the USSR, Moscow).

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ConditionBrand New
Publication NameNA
Book TitleHandbook of Humidity Measurement Volume 3
PublisherTaylor & Francis Group
Item Length11 in
Publication Year2021
FormatTrade Paperback
AuthorGhenadii Korotcenkov
TopicChemistry / General
Item Weight32.9 Oz
Item Width8.2 in
Number of Pages502 Pages

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