Handbook of Ethological Methods
A thoroughly updated and expanded step-wise guide to the study of animal behaviour.
Philip N. Lehner (Author)
9780521637503, Cambridge University Press
Paperback / softback, published 16 April 1998
694 pages
22.9 x 15.2 x 3.9 cm, 1.09 kg
'To anyone having an interest in insect behaviour, this text will revolutionize their capacity for observation. For those starting out on insect behaviour research projects, the text is an essential reference source.' R. L. H. Dennis, Entomologist's Gazette
At first glance, studying behavior is easy, but as every budding ethologist quickly realises, there are a host of complex practical, methodological and analytical problems to solve before designing and conducting the study. How do you choose which species or which behavior to study? What equipment will you need to observe and record behavior successfully? How do you record data in the dark, in the wet, or without missing part of the action? How do you analyse and interpret the data to yield meaningful information? This new expanded edition of the Handbook of Ethological Methods provides a complete step-by-step introduction to ethological methods from topic choice and behavioral description to data collection and statistical analysis. This book will be a must for beginning students and experienced researchers studying animal behavior in the field or laboratory.
Preface1. IntroductionPart I. Getting Started: 2. A conceptual model of animal behavior3. Choice of subject4. Reconnaissance observation5. Delineation of research6. Design of research7. Experimental researchPart II. Collecting the Data: 8. Data collection methods9. Data collection equipment10. Selected examples of data collection and descriptionPart III. Analysing the Results: 11. Introduction to statistical methods12. Selecting a statistical test13. Parametric statistical tests14. Nonparametric statistical tests15. Rates of behavior and analysis of sequences16. Statistical analyses for spatial orientation, time and spatial patterns17. Presentation and interpretation of resultsBibliographyAppendices: A. Statistical figures and tablesB. Microcomputers: an overview for ethologists by James HaC. Guidelines for the use of animals in researchD. Ethics in animal behavior researchIndex.
Subject Areas: Animal behaviour [PSVP]