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Handbook of Cross-Cultural Counseling and Therapy Hardcover Paul

This handbook is a valuable resource for mental health professionals who want to understand and address the complexities of cross-cultural counseling and therapy. Written by Paul Pedersen, this first edition textbook is an unabridged version published by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc in 1985. The book covers a range of topics including therapy, psychology, and help. It is a vintage piece that weighs 15 oz and has a format of hardcover. The publication year is 1985, and the book is written in English. The item is not signed, and it is a nonfiction narrative type. The book is a valuable addition to any professional's library who wants to understand the unique challenges of cross-cultural counseling and therapy.

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ConditionI really believe it is new, never read no markings. 1985 1st ed. HB
ConditionLike New
Book TitleHandbook of Cross-Cultural Counseling and Therapy Hardcover Paul
Publication NameBloomsbury Publishing Plc
Narrative TypeNonfiction
PublisherBloomsbury Publishing Plc
Original LanguageEnglish
EditionFirst Edition
Publication Year1985
Unit Typeoz
AuthorPedersen, Paul
GenrePsychology & Help
Country/Region of ManufactureAfghanistan
Unit Quantity1
Item Weight15 oz

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