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Handbook of Chitin and Chitosan: Volume 3: Chitin- And Chitosan-Based Polymer

The Handbook of Chitin and Chitosan: Chitin and Chitosan Based Polymer Materials for Various Applications, Volume Three, is a must-read for polymer chemists, physicists and engineers interested in the development of ecofriendly micro and nanostructured functional materials based on chitin and their various applications. The book addresses their isolation, preparation and properties and their composites, nanomaterials, manufacturing and characterizations. This is the third of three volumes in a series that contains the latest on the major applications of chitin and chitosan based IPN’s, blends, gels, composites and nanocomposites, including environmental remediation, biomedical applications and smart material applications.

159.45$ Buy It Now

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Item Length22.9 cm

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