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Handbook of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies with Older Adults by Dolores Gall

This is the first book to examine a number of these evidence-based interventions currently in use with older adults. The editors have assembled chapters developed in many of the leading clinical and clinical research programs focusing on elderly patients, both in this country and in the UK.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleHandbook of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies with Older Adults
Subject AreaSocial Science, Psychology, Medical
Publication NameHandbook of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies with Older Adults
PublisherSpringer New York
Item Length9.3 in
SubjectDevelopmental / Adulthood & Aging, Gerontology, Psychotherapy / General, Movements / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (Cbt), Psychopathology / Depression, Internal Medicine, Clinical Psychology, Geriatrics
Publication Year2010
FormatTrade Paperback
AuthorAnn Steffen
Item Weight20.7 Oz
Item Width6.1 in
Number of PagesXxxiv, 346 Pages

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