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Growing Up in the 1930s by Richard Grimmond [Paperback]

"They were desperate times but the Depression created a certain breed of people who economised, 'made-do', and 'got-by' without spending much money, eventually surviving those difficult times." Growing up in the 1930s is the first-hand recollections of a young Australian boy's life during the Great Depression in Newcastle in the 1930s as told by a now old man with a long memory. It records the daily life and times, keeping alive an era that otherwise may be forgotten.

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Location: Hillsdale, AU, NSW
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ConditionBrand New
FormatPaperback, 228 pages
AuthorRichard Grimmond
Book TitleGrowing Up in the 1930s by Richard Grimmond [Paper
Item Height1.3 cm
Item Length21.6 cm
Item Weight0.3 kg
Item Width14 cm
PublisherSid Harta Publishers

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