A stunning and truly unique collection of almost 200 rare, out-of-print books compiled together for the first time on ONE USB FLASH DRIVE covering all aspects of GOTHIC & MEDIEVAL ARCHITECTURE.
Explore the realms of gothic and medieval buildings throughout Britain and Europe. Discover the origin, history and principles of gothic architecture and study the finest examples of ancient works still in existence. Cathedrals, churches, edifices, roofs, doorways, windows, ornaments and furniture – this is a treasure trove for the enthusiast of gothic design and architecture and those with an interest in the Middle Ages. Some of the books contained within this collection are extremely hard-to-find and will provide a valuable library of reference material. Overall, an absolute must for anyone with an interest in gothic and medieval architecture. The full list of titles included speaks for itself….
This superb compilation of 196 vintage books provides literally 1,000’s of pages of great content and fabulous photos / illustrations for the reader. All of the books have been scanned in high quality and preserved forever in pdf format - easy to read on your laptop or computer, or transfer to tablet, smartphone, kindle or e-reader. You can also print entire books or select pages. Most of the books are written in English with several additional texts in French and German.
This is without doubt the most extensive collection of its kind - compiled over time by rare-book-collections, and only available here!
The Full List of Titles Included is as Follows:
A B C of Gothic architecture - J. F. Parker (1907)
A companion to the Fourth edition of A glossary of terms used in Greek, Roman, Italian, and Gothic architecture - J. H. Parker (1850)
A concise glossary of terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic architecture - J. H. Parker (1905)
A dictionary of the architecture and archaeology of the middle ages - J. Britton (1883)
A glossary of terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian and Gothic architecture Vols. 1 - 3 - J. H. Parker (1850)
A guide to English Gothic architecture, illustrated by numerous drawings and photographs - S. Gardner (1922)
A guide to Gothic architecture - T. F. Bumpus (1914)
A guide to the architectural antiquities in the neighborhood of Oxford - J. H. Parker (1846)
A history of architecture Vols. 1 - 4 - R. Sturgis (1904)
A history of Gothic art in England - E. S. Prior (1900)
A history of the Gothic revival - C. L. Eastlake (1872)
A manual of Gothic architecture - F. A. Paley (1846)
A manual of Gothic moldings - with directions for copying them and for determining their dates - F. A. Paley (1891)
A plea for the faithful restoration of our ancient churches - G. G. Scott (1850)
A treatise on the ecclesiastical architecture of England during the Middle Ages - J. Milner (1811)
A treatise on the rise and progress of decorated window tracery in England - E. Sharpe (1849)
An analysis of ancient domestic architecture in Great Britain Vols. 1 & 2 - F. T. Dollman (1866)
An analysis of Gothick architecture - illustrated by a series of upwards of seven hundred examples of doorways, windows, etc. Vols. 1 & 2 - R. Brandon (1849)
An apology for the revival of Christian architecture in England - A. Pugin (1895)
An Attempt to Define the Geometric Proportions of Gothic Architecture - R. W. Billings (1840)
An attempt to discriminate the styles of architecture in England - T. Rickman (1862)
An elucidation of the principles of English architecture, usually denominated Gothic - J. Kendall (1842)
An essay in defence of ancient architecture, or, A parallel of the ancient buildings with the modern - R. Morris (1728)
An essay on the military architecture of the middle ages - E. Viollet-Le-Duc (1860)
An essay on the origin and development of window tracery in England - E. A. Freeman (1851)
An essay on the origin and progress of Gothic architecture - T. Bell (1829)
An historical description of the metropolitical Church of Christ, Canterbury - J. Burnby (1783)
An historical survey of the ecclesiastical antiquities of France, with a view to illustrate the rise and progress of Gothic architecture in Europe - G. D. Whittington (1809)
An history of the origin and establishment of Gothic architecture - J. S. Hawkins (1813)
An inquiry into the chronological succession of the styles of romanesque and pointed architecture in France - T. Inkersley (1850)
An introduction to the study of Gothic architecture - J. H. Parker (1849)
Ancient architecture, restored and improved by a great variety of grand and usefull designs, entirely new, in the Gothick mode - B. Langley (1742)
Archéologie chrétienne; ou Précis de l'histoire des monuments religieux du moyen âge - J. J. Bourasse (1871)
Architectural and picturesque illustrations of the cathedral churches of England and Wales Vol. 1 - B. Winkles (1851)
Architectural notes on German churches - W. Whewell (1842)
Architectural sketches for cottages, rural dwellings, and villas, in the Grecian, Gothic, and fancy styles, with plans - R. Lugar (1815)
Architecture gothic and renaissance - T. R. Smith (1880)
Architecture in Italy from the sixth to the eleventh century - R. Cattaneo (1896)
Architektonik des gothischen stils - R. Adamy (1889)
Beyond architecture - A. K. Porter (1918)
Brick and marble in the middle ages notes of tours in the north of Italy - G. E. Street (1874)
Churches and castles of mediæval France - W. C. Larned (1895)
Companion to the Principles of Gothic ecclesiastical architecture - M. H. Bloxam (1882)
Contrasts, or a parallel between the noble edifices of the middle ages, and corresponding buildings of the present day - A. Pugin (1898)
Cottage, lodge, and villa architecture - W. Audsley (1870)
Designs for Gothic ornaments & furniture - J. Gibbs (1854)
Details of Gothic architecture Vols. 1 & 2 - J. K. Colling (1890)
Deutsche Baukunst des Mittelalters und der Renaissance = old German architecture - K. R. Langweische (1922)
Deutsche Sondergotik - eine Untersuchung über das Wesen der deutschen Baukunst in späten Mittelater - K. Gerstenberg (1913)
Development & character of Gothic architecture - C. H. Moore (1906)
Die rheinischen chorgestühle der frühgotik; ein kapitel der rezeption der Gotik in Deutschland - H. Reiners (1909)
Domestic architecture of France XIIth to XVIth century Vol. 1 (1900)
Églises gothiques en France - M. Thibous (1912)
Eight chapters on English medieval art - E. S. Prior (1922)
English church architecture of the middle ages - A. F. Smith (1922)
English mediaeval architecture Pt. 2 - C. E. Power (1912)
Essai sur l'architecture ogivale en Belgique - A. Schayes (1840)
Essay on the origin, history, and principles, of Gothic architecture - J. Hall (1813)
Essays on gothic architecture - T. Warton (1802)
Examples of ancient doorways and windows - F. Bedford (1856)
Examples of Gothic architecture, selected from various ancient edifices in England Vols. 1 - 3 - A. Pugin (1895)
Facsimile of the sketch-book of Wilars de Honecort, an architect of the thirteenth century (1859)
Flowers from medieval history - M. D. Kellogg (1910)
Form problems of the Gothic - W. Worringer (1920)
Formprobleme der Gotik - W. Worringer (1912)
George Edmund Street; unpublished notes and reprinted papers (1916)
Gothic architecture - E. A. Browne (1906)
Gothic architecture - E. Corroyer (1893)
Gothic architecture applied to modern residences - D. H. Arnot (1849)
Gothic architecture in England - F. Bond (1905)
Gothic architecture in England and France - G. H. West (1911)
Gothic architecture in France, England, and Italy Vols. 1 & 2 - T. G. Jackson (1914)
Gothic architecture, improved by rules and proportions - B. Langley (1747)
Gothic architecture; containing forty-eight full-page illus. reproduced from photos - E. A. Browne (1911)
Gothic ornaments in the cathedral church of York - J. Halfpenny (1795)
Gothic ornaments of the 15th & 16th centuries - A. Pugin (1860)
Gothic ornaments, being a series of examples of enriched details and accessories of the architecture of Great Britain Vols. 1 & 2 - J. K. Colling (1848)
Gothic ornaments, selected from various ancient buildings - A. Pugin (1894)
Gothic stonework, containing the history and principles of church architecture, and illustrations of the characteristic features of each period - E. A. Davidson (1870)
Gotische Portalskulpturen in Spanien - A. L. Mayer (1922)
Greek and gothic, progress and decay in the three arts of architecture, sculpture, and painting - R. Thyrwhitt (1881)
Grotesque architecture - W. Wrighte (1790)
Handbook to Gothic architecture, ecclesiastical and domestic - T. Perkins (1897)
Historic ornament - treatise on decorative art and architectural ornament Vols. 1 & 2 - J. Ward (1909)
Historical studies of church-building in the Middle Ages - Venice, Siena, Florence - C. E. Norton (1880)
History and antiquities of the cathedral churches of Great Britain Vols. 1 - 4 - J. Storer (1814)
How France built her cathedrals; a study in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries - E. B. O'Reilly (1921)
Illustrations of geometric tracery, from the paneling belonging to Carlisle Cathedral - R. W. Billings (1842)
Jedburgh Abbey - historical and descriptive also, The abbeys of Teviotdale, as showing the development of Gothic architecture - J. Watson (1894)
La filiation généalogique de toutes les écoles gothiques Vols. 1 - 4 - J. F. Colfs (1882)
L'architecture gothique - E. Corroyer (1903)
L'Art gothique - unknown author (1920)
Las catedrales de España, principales (románicas y góticas) - R. Benavent (1913)
Lectures on the rise and development of medieval architecture Vols. 1 & 2 - G. G. Scott (1879)
Les architectes des cathédrales gothiques - H. Stein (1909)
Les cathédrales de France - A. Rodin (1921)
Les cathédrales gothiques - L. Cloquet (1914)
Les origines du style gothique en Brabant - R. M. Lemair (1906)
Mediaeval church vaulting - C. Ward (1915)
Mediæval military architecture in England Vols. 1 & 2 - G. T. Clark (1884)
Medieval architecture, its origins and development Vols. 1 & 2 - A. K. Porter (1912)
Medieval art, from the peace of the church to the eve of the renaissance, 312-1350 - W. R. Lethaby (1904)
Military architecture in England during the middle ages - A. H. Thomson (1912)
Modern Gothic architecture - T. G. Jackson (1873)
Normandy, its Gothic architecture and history - F. G. Stephens (1865)
Observations on the theory and practice of landscape gardening, including some remarks on Grecian and Gothic architecture - H. Repton (1805)
On the construction of the vaults of the middle ages - R. Willis (1910)
On the nature of Gothic architecture - J. Ruskin (1854)
Origines françaises de l'architecture gothique en Italie - C. Enlart (1894)
Ornaments of the XVth and XVIth centuries - A. Pugin (1836)
Our English minsters Vols. 1 & 2 - F. W. Farrar (1912)
Progress in art and architecture, with precedents for ornament - J. P. Seddon (1852)
Pugin's Gothic furniture - A. Pugin (1830)
Raccolta de' migliori ornamenti del medio evo e profili di architettura gotica, disegnati e descritti - C. A. Heideloff (1859)
Remarks on secular & domestic architecture, present & future - G. G. Scott (1857)
Remarks on the architecture of the middle ages, especially of Italy - R. Willis (1835)
Remarks on the principles of Gothic architecture, as applied to ordinary parish churches - J. L. Petit (1846)
Rudimentary treatise on the principles of design in architecture as deducible from nature and exemplified in the works of the Greek and Gothic architects - E. L. Garbett (1850)
Rural architecture consisting of classic dwellings, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian and Gothic - E. Shaw (1843)
Rural architecture in the Gothick taste - W. Halfpenny (1752)
Sacred architecture, its rise, progress, and present state - R. Brown (1845)
Scotland's ruined abbeys - H. C. Butler (1899)
Select specimens of Gothic architecture - W. Caveler (1836)
Six lectures on architecture - R. A. Cram (1917)
Some account of Gothic architecture in Spain Vols. 1 & 2 - G. E. Street (1914)
Sources of influence on Gothic architecture - F. M. Lescher (1911)
Specimens of Gothic architecture and ancient buildings in England Vols. 1 - 4 - J. Carter (1839)
Specimens of Gothic architecture, consisting of doors, windows, buttresses, pinnacles, etc. - F. MacKenzie (1825)
Specimens of Gothic architecture; selected from various ancient edifices in England Vols. 1 & 2 - A. Pugin (1825)
Temples anciens et modernes, ou, Observations historiques et critiques sur les plus célèbres monumens d'architecture greque et gothique - L. Avril (1774)
The aesthetic and miscellaneous works of Frederick von Schlegel - E. J. Millington (1860)
The ancient half-timbered houses of England - M. Habershon (1836)
The architectural antiquities of Great Britain - J. Britain (1835)
The builder's director, or bench-mate - being a pocket-treasury of the Grecian, Roman and Gothic orders of architecture - B. Langley (1751)
The construction of Lombard and Gothic vaults - A. K. Porter (1911)
The Gothic quest - R. A. Cram (1907)
The history and antiquities of Bath Abbey Church - J. Britton (1825)
The history and antiquities of the abbey and cathedral church of Bristol - J. Britton (1836)
The history and antiquities of the abbey and cathedral church of Gloucester - J. Britton (1829)
The history and antiquities of the abbey church of St. Peter, Westminster Vols. 1 & 2 - E. W. Brayley (1818)
The history and antiquities of the cathedral church of Hereford - J. Britton (1831)
The history and antiquities of the cathedral church of Oxford - J. Britton (1821)
The history and antiquities of the cathedral church of Wells - J. Britton (1824)
The history and antiquities of the cathedral church of Worcester - J. Britton (1836)
The history and antiquities of the conventual and cathedral church of Ely - J. Bentham (1771)
The history and antiquities of the metropolitical church of Canterbury - J. Britton (1836)
The history and antiquities of the metropolitical church of York - J. Britton (1836)
The mediaeval church architecture of England - C. H. Moore (1912)
The medieval architecture of Chester - J. H. Parker (1858)
The mouldings of the six periods of British architecture from the Conquest to the Reformation - E. Sharpe (1871)
The nature of Gothic, a chapter of The stones of Venice - J. Ruskin (1892)
The Old Ludgings of Glasgow - T. Lugton (1901)
The open timber roofs of the Middle Ages - R. Brandon (1849)
The principles of beauty as manifested in nature, art, and human character .... And Thoughts on Grecian and Gothic architecture - A. M. Schimmelpenninck (1859)
The principles of Gothic ecclesiastical architecture - M. H. Bloxam (1859)
The principles of Gothic ecclesiastical architecture Vols. 1 & 2 - M. H. Bloxam (1882)
The significance of Gothic art - R. A. Cram (1918)
The substance of Gothic - R. A. Cram (1917)
The temple builder's most useful companion ... in the Greek, Roman, and Gothic taste - T. C. Overton (1774)
The true principles of pointed or Christian architecture - A. Pugin (1895)
The white robe of churches of the XIth century - H. Spence-Jones (1899)
Types d'architecture gothique, empruntés aux édifices les plus remarquables construits en Angleterre Vols. 1 - 3 - A. Pugin (1853)
An absolute must for anyone with an interest in gothic and medieval architecture as well as the ancient churches, cathedrals and sacred buildings of Britain and Europe – an unbelievable treasure trove of information for a very small price!
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