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Goggle Eyes [Audio] by Anne Fine

Kitty’s not known for sensitivity or tact, but she’s been through it all herself - her mother married the silver-haired, chocolate-bearing, goggle-eyed Gerald. Kitty begins to unfold her tale of how her mother seems so changed by Gerald’s presence, of how her little sister takes to him at once, and how Old Goggle-Eyes remains a perpetual thorn in Kitty’s side.

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ConditionBrand New
Recommended Age Range0-12 months
Item Height1.4 cm
Item Length13.2 cm
Item Weight0.07 kg
Item Width12.2 cm
Publication Year2016
FormatAudio CD
Book TitleGoggle Eyes
AuthorAnne Fine
PublisherBolinda Publishing
GenreChildren & Young Adults
Run Time259 Mins

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