Gods and Heroes of Ancient Greece by Gustav Schwab Product Details:ISBN-13: 9780385365901Publisher: Barnes & NoblePublication date: 05/28/2018Pages: 768Product dimensions: 6.20(w) x 9.40(h) x 1.90(d)Product Condition: Brand New. Factory Sealed. Gift condition. Package Information: This book will be packaged in Brand New Box of size 10x8x2Overview:From fire-stealing Prometheus to scene-stealing Helen of Troy, from Jason and his golden fleece to Oedipus and his mother, this collection of classic tales from Greek mythology demonstrates the inexhaustible vitality of a timeless cultural legacy. These stories of heroes and powerful gods and goddesses are set forth simply and movingly, in language that retains the power and drama of the original works by Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, and Homer.Introduction by Werner JaegerWith black-and-white illustrations throughoutPart of the Pantheon Fairy Tale and Folklore LibraryTable of Contents:INTRODUCTION BY WERNER JAEGER 15PART I PROMETHEUS 31THE AGES OF MAN 36PYRRHA AND DEUCALION 39ZEUS AND IO 42PHAETHON 47EUROPA 52CADMUS 57PENTHEUS 60PERSEUS 66CREUSA AND ION 72DAEDALUS AND ICARUS 82THE STORY OF THE ARGONAUTS 86 Jason and Pelias 86 The Cause and the Outset of the Voyage of the Argonauts 88 The Argonauts at Lemnos 89 The Argonauts in the Land of the Doliones 92 Heracles Left Behind 94 Polydeuces and the King of the Bebrycians 96 Phineus and the Harpies 97 The Symplegades 100 Further Adventures 101 Jason in the Palace of Aeetes 105 Medea and Aeetes 107 The Counsel of Argus 109 Medea Promises to Help the Argonauts 112 Jason and Medea 113 Jason Does the Bidding of Aeetes 117 Medea Takes the Golden Fleece 121 The Argonauts are Pursued and Escape with Medea 124 The Argonauts on their Homeward Journey 128 The Colchians Continue their Pursuit 132 The Last Adventures of the Argonauts 133 Jason’s End 138MELEAGER AND THE BOAR 143TANTALUS 147PELOPS 148NIOBE 150SALMONEUS 155HERACLES 156 The Infant Heracles 156 The Rearing of Heracles 157 Heracles at the Crossroads 158 The First Adventures of Heracles 160 Heracles Fights the Giants 162 Heracles and Eurystheus 165 The First Three Labors of Heracles 166 The Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Labors of Heracles 169 The Seventh, Eighth and Ninth Labors of Heracles 172 The Last Three Labors of Heracles 175 Heracles and Eurytus 182 Heracles and Admetus 183 Heracles in the Service of Omphale 188 Subsequent Exploits of Heracles 191 Heracles and Deianira 193 Heracles and Nessus 195 Heracles, Iole, and Deianira. His End 196BELLEROPHON 202THESEUS 206 His Birth and his Youth 206 His Journey to his Father 208 Theseus in Athens 210 Theseus in Minos 211 King Theseus 215 The War with the Amazons 217 Theseus and Pirithous 218 Theseus and Phaedra 222 Theseus and Helen 226 The End of Theseus 228THE STORY OF KING OEDIPUS 230 The Birth of Oedipus, his Youth, his Flight, and the Murder of his Father 230 Oedipus in Thebes 234 The Discovery 235 Jocasta and Oedipus Inflict Punishment on Themselves 239 Oedipus and Antigone 240 Oedipus at Colonus 241 Oedipus and Theseus 245 Oedipus and Creon 246 Oedipus and Polynices 247THE SEVEN AGAINST THEBES 251 Polynices and Tydeus as the Guests of Adrastus 251 The Heroes Set Out. Hypsipyle and Opheltes 253 The Heroes Arrives in Thebes 256 Menoeceus 258 The Attack upon Thebes 260 Brothers in Single Combat 262 Creon’s Resolve 266 Antigone and Creon 268 Haemon and Antigone 269 Creon’s Punishment 270 The Burial of the Heroes of Thebes 271THE EPIGONI 272ALCMAEON AND THE NECKLACE 275THE HERACLIDAE 277 The Heraclidae Come to Athens 277 Demophoon 279 Macaria 282 The Battle 283 Eurystheus and Alemene 286 Hyllus and His Descendants 287 The Heraclidae Divide Up the Peloponneus 292 Merope and Aepytus 296PART II TALES OF TROY 299 The Building of Troy 299 Priam, Hecuba, and Paris 302 The Rape of Helen 305 The Argives 310 The Argives Send Priam a Message 315 Agamemnon and Iphigenia 317 The Argives Set Out. Philoctetes is Abandoned 328 The Argives in Mysia. Telephus 329 Paris Returns 333 The Argives before Troy 334 Fighting Begins. Protesilaus. Cycnus 338 The Death of Palamedes 342 Achilles and Ajax 343 Polydoras 346 Chryses, Apollo, and the Wrath of Achilles 350 Agamemnon Tries the Argives 356 Paris and Menelaus 361 Pandarus 367 The Battle. Diomedes 371 Glaucus and Diomedes 382 Hector in Troy 383 Hector and Ajax in Single Combat 388 The Truce 392 A Trojan Victory 394 The Argives Send a Message to Achilles 399 Dolon and Rhesus 402 Another Argive Defeat 407 The Fight at the Wall 414 The Struggle for the Ships 417 Poseidon Strengthens the Achaeans 423 Apollo Revives Hector 428 The Death of Patroclus 435 The Grief of Achilles 449 Achilles Newly Armed 452 Achilles and Agamemnon Reconciled 457 The Battle of Gods and Men 462 Achilles Fights the River-God Scamander 467 The Battle if the Gods 471 Achilles and Hector Before the Gates 474 The Death of Hector 476 The Funeral of Patroclus 481 Priam Visits Achilles 488 Hector’s Body in Troy 496 Penthesilea 498 Memnon 508 The Death of Achilles 515 Funeral Games for Achilles 519 The Death of Ajax the Great 523 Machaon and Podalirius 529 Neoptolemus 533 Philoctetes on Lemnos 539 The Death of Paris 544 The Storming of Troy 547 The Wooden Horse 549 The Destruction of Troy 559 Menelaus and Helen. Polyxena 563 Departure from Troy. Ajax of Locris Dies 567THE LAST TANTALIDES 572 Agamemnon’s Line and House 572 Agamemnon’s End 575 Agamemnon is Avenged 579 Orestes and the Furies 589 Iphigenia in the Land of the Tauri 597ODYSSEUS 609 Telemachus and the Suitors 609 Telemachus and Nestor 616 Telemachus in Sparta 620 The Suitor’s Plot 623 Odysseus Leaves Calypso and is Shipwrecked 625 Nausicaa 629 Odysseus and the Phaeacians 633 Odysseus Tells the Tales of his Wanderings to the Phaeacians. The Cicones. The Lotus-Eaters. The Cyclopes. Polyphemus 642 Odysseus Continues his Tale. The Leather Bag of Aeolus. The Laestrygonians. Circe 651 Odysseus Continues his Tale. The Realm of Shades 661 Odysseus Continues his Tale. The Sirens. Scylla and Charybdis. Thrinacia and the Hers of the Sun-God. Shipwreck. Odysseus and Calypso 665 Odysseus Bids the Phaeacians Farewell 671 Odysseus Reaches Ithaca 673 Odysseus Visits the Swineherd 677 Telmachus Leaves Sparta 682 With the Swineherd 686 Telemaches Returns 688 Odysseus Reveals Himself to his Son 691 The City and the Palace 693 Telemachus, Odysseus, and Eumaeus Reach the City 696 Odysseus, the Beggar, in the Hall 700 Odysseus and the Beggar Irus 703 Penelope and the Suitors 705 Odysseus Mocked Again 708 Odysseus Alone with Telmachus and Penelope 709 Night and Morning in the Palace 715 The Feast 717 The Contest with the Bow 719 Odysseus Reveals Himself to the Good Herdsmen 721 Vengeance 725 The Servants are Punished 730 Odysseus and Penelope 732 Odysseus and Laertes 735 Athene Calms Rebellion in the City 739 Odysseus the Victor 741INDEX 745Visit My eBay Store