The Nile on eBay Global Debates in the Digital Humanities by Domenico Fiormonte, Sukanta Chaudhuri, Paola Ricaurte
A necessary volume of essays working to decolonize the digital humanitiesOften conceived of as an all-inclusive "big tent," digital humanities has in fact been troubled by a lack of perspectives beyond Westernized and Anglophone contexts and assumptions. This latest collection in the Debates in the Digital Humanities series seeks to address this deficit in the field. Focused on thought and work that has been underappreciated for linguistic, cultural, or geopolitical reasons, contributors showcase alternative histories and perspectives that detail the rise of the digital humanities in the Global South and other "invisible" contexts and explore the implications of a globally diverse digital humanities.Advancing a vision of the digital humanities as a space where we can reimagine basic questions about our cultural and historical development, this volume challenges the field to undertake innovation and reform.Contributors: Maria Jose Afanador-Llach, U de los Andes, Bogot; Maira E. lvarez, U of Houston; Purbasha Auddy, Jadavpur U; Diana Barreto vila, U of British Columbia; Deepti Bharthur, IT for Change; Sayan Bhattacharyya, Singapore U of Technology and Design; Anastasia Bonch-Osmolovskaya, National Research U Higher School of Economics; Jing Chen, Nanjing U; Carlton Clark, Kazimieras Simonaviius U, Vilnius; Carolina Dalla Chiesa, Erasmus U, Rotterdam; Gimena del Rio Riande, Institute of Bibliographic Research and Textual Criticism; Leonardo Foletto, U of So Paulo; Rahul K. Gairola, Murdoch U; Sofia Gavrilova, Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography; Andre Goodrich, North-West U; Anita Gurumurthy, IT for Change; Aliz Horvath, Etvs Lornd U; Igor Kim, Russian Academy of Sciences; Inna Kizhner, Siberian Federal U; Cedric Leterme, Tricontinental Center; Andres Lombana-Bermudez, Pontificia, U Javeriana, Bogot; Lev Manovich, City U of New York; Itay Marienberg-Milikowsky, Ben-Gurion U of the Negev; Maciej Maryl, Polish Academy of Sciences; Nirmala Menon, Indian Institute of Technology, Indore; Boris Orekhov, National Research U Higher School of Economics; Ernesto Priego, U of London; Sylvia Fernndez Quintanilla, U of Kansas; Nuria Rodrguez-Ortega, U of Mlaga; Steffen Roth, U of Turku; Dibyadyuti Roy, Indian Institute of Technology, Jodhpur; Maxim Rumyantsev, Siberian Federal U; Puthiya Purayil Sneha, Centre for Internet and Society, Bengaluru; Juan Steyn, South African Centre for Digital Language Resources; Melissa Terras, U of Edinburgh; Ernesto Miranda Trigueros, U of the Cloister of Sor Juana; Lik Hang Tsui, City U of Hong Kong; Tim Unwin, U of London; Lei Zhang, U of WisconsinLa Crosse.
FORMATPaperback LANGUAGEEnglish CONDITIONBrand New Author Biography
Domenico Fiormonte is lecturer in sociology of communication and culture at the Department of Political Sciences, University of Roma Tre, Italy. He is author of Per una critica del testo digitale: Filologia, letteratura e rete (Towards a Critique of the Digital Text: Philology, Literature, and the Internet) and coauthor of The Digital Humanist: A Critical Inquiry.Sukanta Chaudhuri is professor emeritus of English at Jadavpur University, India. His most recent monograph is The Metaphysics of Text. He was chief coordinator of Bichitra, an online variorum site of the works of Rabindranath Tagore, and editor of Bichitra: The Making of an Online Tagore Variorum. He is currently coordinating a computerized historical dictionary of the Bengali language.Paola Ricaurte is associate professor in the School of Humanities and Education at Tecnolgico de Monterrey, Mexico, and faculty associate at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society, Harvard University. She is cofounder (with Nick Couldry and Ulises Mejas) of Tierra Comn, a network to promote reflection on data colonialism from the Global South.
Table of Contents
AcknowledgmentsIntroductionDomenico Fiormonte, Paola Ricaurte, and Sukanta ChaudhuriPart I: Global Histories of Digital Humanities1. Epistemically Produced InvisibilitySayan Bhattacharyya2. Alternative Histories of Digital Humanities: Tracing the Archival TurnPuthiya Purayil Sneha3. Can the Subaltern "Do" DH? A Reflection on the Challenges and Opportunities for the Digital HumanitiesErnesto Priego4. Peering Beyond the Pink Tent: Queer of Color Critique across the Digital Indian OceanRahul K. Gairola5. The History and Context of the Digital Humanities in RussiaInna Kizhner, Melissa Terras, Lev Manovich, Boris Orekhov, Igor Kim, Maxim Rumyantsev, and Anastasia Bonch-Osmolovskaya6. Debating and Developing Digital Humanities in China: New or Old?Jing Chen and Lik Hang Tsui7. How We Became Digital: The Recent History of Digital Humanities in PolandMaciej Maryl8. Social Sciences and Digital Humanities of the South: Materials for a Critical DiscussionNuria Rodríguez-OrtegaPart II: Exploring and Practicing Global Digital Humanities9. Mining Verbal Data from Early Bengali Newspapers and Magazines: Contemplating the PossibilitiesPurbasha Auddy10. Digital Brush Talk: Challenges and Potential Connections in East Asian Digital ResearchAliz Horvath11. "It Functions, and That's (Almost) All": Tagging the TalmudItay Marienberg-Milikowsky12. What's Trending in the Chinese Google Books Corpus? A Google Ngram Analysis of the Chinese Language Area (1950–2008)Carlton Clark, Lei Zhang, and Steffen Roth13. In Tlilli in Tlapalli / In Xochitl in Cuicatl: The Representation of Other Mexican Literatures through Digital MediaErnesto Miranda Trigueros14. No "Making," Not Now: Decolonizing Digital Humanities in South AsiaDibyadyuti Roy and Nirmala Menon15. Digital Humanities and Memory Wars in Contemporary RussiaSofia Gavrilova16. Borderlands Archives Cartography: Bridging Personal, Political, and Geographical BorderlandsMaira E. Álvarez and Sylvia Fernández Quintanilla17. Developing New Literacy Skills and Digital Scholarship Infrastructures in the Global South: A Case StudyMaría José Afanador-Llach and Andres Lombana-Bermudez 18. Manuscripts Written by Women in New Spain and the Challenge of Digitization: An Experiment in Academic AutoethnographyDiana Barreto ÁvilaPart III: Beyond Digital Humanities19. Digital Humanities and Visible and Invisible InfrastructuresGimena del Rio Riande20. Site-Specific Cultural Infrastructure: Promoting Access and Conquering the Digital DivideJuan Steyn and Andre Goodrich21. On Gambiarras: Technical Improvisations à la BrazilCarolina Dalla Chiesa and Leonardo Foletto22. Messy Empowerment: Mapping Digital Encounters in the MarginsAnita Gurumurthy and Deepti Bharthur23. On Language, Gender, and Digital TechnologiesTim Unwin24. Africa's Digitalization: From the Ecological Dilemma to the Decolonization of the ImaginaryCédric LetermeContributors
Long Description
A necessary volume of essays working to decolonize the digital humanities Often conceived of as an all-inclusive "big tent," digital humanities has in fact been troubled by a lack of perspectives beyond Westernized and Anglophone contexts and assumptions. This latest collection in the Debates in the Digital Humanities series seeks to address this deficit in the field. Focused on thought and work that has been underappreciated for linguistic, cultural, or geopolitical reasons, contributors showcase alternative histories and perspectives that detail the rise of the digital humanities in the Global South and other "invisible" contexts and explore the implications of a globally diverse digital humanities. Advancing a vision of the digital humanities as a space where we can reimagine basic questions about our cultural and historical development, this volume challenges the field to undertake innovation and reform. Contributors: Maria Jos
Details ISBN1517913268 Pages 400 Publisher University of Minnesota Press Language English Year 2022 ISBN-10 1517913268 ISBN-13 9781517913267 Format Paperback Imprint University of Minnesota Press Place of Publication Minnesota Country of Publication United States Author Paola Ricaurte Illustrations 19 b&w illustrations, 3 tables Publication Date 2022-04-12 NZ Release Date 2022-04-12 US Release Date 2022-04-12 UK Release Date 2022-04-12 Edited by Paola Ricaurte Alternative 9781517913250 DEWEY 001.30285 Audience General AU Release Date 2022-08-08 Series Debates in the Digital Humanities We've got this
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