Human Resource Management for Hotels and Restaurants - Frank Höchsmann Unsere Angebote Unsere Angebote ☰ Belletristik Biografien Computer Esoterik Fachbücher Fahrzeuge Fantasy Gesundheit Kalender Hörbücher Kinderbücher Kochen Krimis Kultur Natur Sachbücher Human Resource Management for Hotels and Restaurants - Frank Höchsmann
Art Nr.: 3754314335
ISBN 13: 9783754314333
Untertitel: Personnel Management in the Hotel and Catering Inustry
Erscheinungsjahr: 2021
Erschienen bei: Bod - Books On Demand, Bod - Books On Demand
Einband: Taschenbuch
Maße: 210x148x7 mm
Seitenzahl: 84
Gewicht: 135 g
Sprache: Deutsch
Autor: Frank Höchsmann
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Hotel and catering industry HR management for hotels HR management fpr restaurants
Beschreibung Human Resource Management for Hotels and Restaurants is intended as a reference book for hoteliers and restaurateurs who need quick advice on how to increase or optimize their team without calling in outside and expensive help.The first chapters deal with human resources planning, recruiting and integration issues.This is followed by efficient leadership techniques that are particularly suitable in the hotel and catering industry.Last but not least, the topics of self-motivation and employee motivation are addressed, because only motivated leaders can motivate employees.The reference book also includes several self-tests and useful checklists that you can use to assess yourself or others. Informationen über den Autor Frank Christian Höchsmann:Is a business economist and quality auditor according to DIN EN ISO 9000.He can draw on many years of international experience as a quality representative, manager and auditor.He worked for international companies and organizations for several years.In the course of his career, he has been a trainer for more than 9,000 professionals and managers.Focus: Quality and sustainability management, international project management. Kurzbeschreibung Titel: Human Resource Management for Hotels and Restaurants, Untertitel: Personnel Management in the Hotel and Catering Inustry, Einband: Taschenbuch, Autor: Frank Höchsmann, Verlag: Bod - Books On Demand, Bod - Books On Demand, Sprache: Deutsch, Seiten: 84, Maße: 210x148x7 mm, Gewicht: 135 g, Verkäufer: BuchBlitz-Versand, Schlagworte: Hotel and catering industry HR management for hotels HR management fpr restaurants Bitte beachten Sie unsere Kundeninformationen, Datenschutzerklärung und Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen, welche Sie in dem Feld „Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen für dieses Angebot“ finden. Powered by INFORIUS