Family Maps of Ottawa County, Michiganby Gregory A. Boyd, J.D. 218 pages with 59 total mapsLocating original landowners in maps has never been an easy task-until now. This volume in the Family Maps series contains newly created maps of original landowners (patent maps) in what is now Ottawa County, Michigan, gleaned from the indexes of the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. But it offers much more than that. For each township in the county, there are two additional maps accompanying the patent map: a road map and a map showing waterways, railroads, and both modern and many historical city-centers and cemeteries.Included are indexes to help you locate what you are looking for, whether you know a person's name, a last name, a place-name, or a cemetery. The combination of maps and indexes are designed to aid researchers of American history or genealogy to explore frontier neighborhoods, examine family migrations, locate hard-to-find cemeteries and towns, as well as locate land based on legal descriptions found in old documents or deeds.The patent-maps are essentially plat maps but instead of depicting owners for a particular year, these maps show original landowners, no matter when the transfer from the federal government was completed. Dates of patents typically begin near the time of statehood and run into the early 1900s.List of Details Found Below . . .What's Mapped in his book?What YEARS are these maps for?What Cities and Towns are in Ottawa County, Michigan (and in this book)?Acts of Congress Authorizing . . .Indexes in this bookReviews by the Experts . . .Surnames found in this bookBook SpecificationsWhat's Mapped in this book (that you'll not likely find elsewhere) . . .2084 Parcels of Land(with original landowner names and patent-dates labeled in the relevant map)29 Cemeteriesplus . . .Roads, and existing Rivers, Creeks, Streams, Railroads, and Small-towns (including some historical), etc.Back to Top of DescriptionWhat YEARS are these maps for?Here are the counts for parcels of land mapped, by the decade in which the corresponding land patents were issued:DecadeParcel-count1830s8281840s4371850s5751860s1301870s881880s211890s21900s11910s2Back to Top of DescriptionWhat Cities and Towns are in Ottawa County, Michigan (and in this book)?Agnew, Allendale, Bauer, Beaverdam, Beechwood, Borculo, Clark Corners, Conklin, Coopersville, Crisp, Dennison, Drenthe, Eastmanville, Ferrysburg, Forest Grove, Forest Grove Station, Gitchel, Grand Haven, Grand Valley, Harlem, Harrisburg, Herrington, Holland, Hudsonville, Jamestown, Jenison, Lamont, Macatawa, Marne, New Holland, Noordeloos, North Blendon, Nunica, Oaklawn Beechwood, Olive Center, Ottawa Center, Pearline, Pine Creek, Port Sheldon, Reno, Robinson, Rosy Mound, Rusk, Snug Harbor, South Blendon, Spring Lake, Tallmadge, Tasmas Corners, Virginia Park, Vriesland, Waverly, West Olive, Wright, Zeeland, ZutphenBack to Top of DescriptionActs of Congress Authorizing the Land Patents in this book:April 24, 1820: Sale-Cash Entry (3 Stat. 566)May 20, 1862: Homestead EntryOriginal (12 Stat. 392)Back to Top of DescriptionIndexes in this book-Surnames in the County * number of times each Surname occurs-Surname/Township Index * every Surname and the frequency in which each appears in relevant Township-level Maps-Full-Name Index (of Original Landowners) for each Township-Populated Places-Cemeteries-Multi-Patentees (Groups of people who acquired land together)Back to Top of DescriptionReviews by the ExpertsWhat they are saying about the Family Maps series:instant gratification! - Elizabeth Shown Mills, Author, Evidence Explained: Citing History Sources from Artifacts to Cyberspace incredible on-going series . . . - Christine Rose, Author, Courthouse Research for Family Historians must have publications . . . - Dick Eastman, Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter a great service . . . - Sharon Tate Moody, former President, Association of Professional Genealogists Back to Top of DescriptionSURNAMES found in this Book: ABBOTT, ACHTERHOF, ACKHOUSE, ACKLEY, ADAMS, AGTERHOF, ALBEE, ALBERT, ALDEN, ALING, ALLEN, ALLIS, ALLYN, ANDERSON, ANDREE, ANDREES, ANGEL, ANGELL, ARCHBOLD, ARMSTRONG, ARNOLD, ARTHUR, ASTRA, AUSTIN, AVERY, BABCOCK, BADGER, BAERT, BALCOM, BALL, BAPTIST, BARBER, BARKER, BARLOW, BARNES, BARNHART, BARR, BATEMAN, BATES, BAXTER, BEACH, BEAN, BEAVERS, BEEBE, BEKE, BELCHER, BELL, BENDER, BENHAM, BENNET, BENNETT, BENTON, BISSELL, BLACKMAN, BLAKE, BLAKENEY, BLANCHARD, BLOEMERS, BOERSIEN, BOES, BOHNE, BOND, BOOF, BOOTS, BORGARTS, BORGERS, BOS, BOSCH, BOTTUM, BOUGHTON, BOWKER, BRACE, BRADFORD, BRADLEY, BRAINARD, BRAYTON, BREDEHOFT, BREMER, BRIGGS, BRITAIN, BRITTON, BROADMORE, BRONSON, BROOKS, BROWN, BRUCE, BRUER, BRYANT, BUDD, BURCH, BURDICK, BURLINGAME, BURLINGHAM, BURNAP, BURNHAM, BURTON, BUSKIRK, BUTLER, BUTTS, CAINE, CAMERON, CAMP, CAMPAU, CAMPBELL, CANNIFF, CAREY, CARR, CARRIER, CARTER, CASWELL, CATS, CHAPIN, CISLER, CLAPPER, CLARK, CLEMENT, COBB, COBURN, COFFINBURY, COIT, COLE, COLEBURN, COLEMAN, COLLINS, COLLISON, COMSTOCK, CONEL, CONNELL, COON, COOPER, CORBETT, COREY, CORKINS, CORNING, CORY, COWLES, CRAMER, CROFOOT, CROZIER, CUE, CULBERTSON, CULVER, CURTIS, CUTLER, DALLAS, DALTON, DANIELS, DARLING, DAVENPORT, DAVIS, DAVISON, DE BOER, DE FRIES, DE GUISELLE, DE HOOP, DE KIEP, DE KOEIJER, DE KOSTER, DE KRAKER, DE PUTTER, DE REGT, DE SPELDER, DE VRIES, DE YOUGH, DEACON, DEKIES, DEKOCK, DEMKES, DENISON, DENNIS, DEPUTER, DESHON, DESPETON, DEVEREAUX, DEWITT, DICKINSON, DINSE, DODGE, DOGGER, DOPP, DOUMA, DRIGGS, DROST, DUCHINE, DUNCAN, DUNGAN, DUNNEWIND, DUNNICK, DUNNIK, DUNNINK, DUSENBERRY, DYKSTRA, EAGER, EAMES, EASTMAN, EASTWAY, EBELS, EDING, EDISON, EDMUNDS, EDWARDS, EILANDER, ELBERT, ELKINGTON, ELLISON, EMERSON, ENSLEY, ERNSTBERE, FAGAN, FELDIER, FELLOWS, FELTON, FENN, FERRY, FILSON, FINCH, FINN, FINNEY, FISHER, FISKE, FITCH, FITZGERALD, FLEMING, FLETCHER, FLIETSTRA, FLORIS, FOSGATE, FOSTER, FRATTS, FREDERICKS, FREEMAN, FRENCH, FRIK, FROST, FULLER, FYFE, GAGE, GALE, GALUSHA, GARDINER, GARDNER, GARVELINK, GAUDON, GEERTS, GERRELLS, GIBBS, GIBSON, GILBERT, GILMAN, GILMORE, GODFREY, GODFROY, GOFF, GOODING, GRAHAM, GRANT, GRAVES, GRAY, GREBEL, GREEN, GRIDLEY, GRIFFIN, GRISWOLD, GROEN, GROOTENHUIS, GROOTJANS, GROSVENOR, GRYMES, GUE, GUITEAU, GUNN, HAASGES, HAGEN, HAGENS, HAILE, HAIRE, HALE, HALL, HALSTED, HAMMOND, HAMMONS, HANINK, HARD, HARRINGTON, HARRIS, HARRISON, HART, HARTSHORN, HARVEY, HARWOOD, HATCH, HATHAWAY, HAVE, HAYNES, HEADWORTH, HEALY, HEARNS, HEDDINK, HEDGES, HEFFERAN, HEKHUISE, HENDRICKS, HERDER, HESSELINK, HIGBY, HILLIKER, HOADLEY, HOAG, HODGSON, HOFFMAN, HOFMAN, HOLCOMB, HOLDEN, HOLLERAN, HONEYWELL, HOPKINS, HORNBECK, HOTCHKISS, HOWARD, HOWELL, HOWLETT, HOYT, HUBBARD, HUIZINGA, HULBERT, HULL, HUMES, HUNGERFORD, HUNT, HUNTER, HUNTING, HUSTON, HUTCHINS, HUTCHINSON, INGALLS, INGALS, JACKSON, JAUDON, JEKEL, JENISON, JENKINS, JENNISON, JEWELL, JEWETT, JOACHIM, JOHNSON, JONES, JOSCELYN, JOSLIN, JUDSON, KAK, KAMERLING, KAMPER, KAMPS, KANOUSE, KATAGA, KELLEY, KELLOGG, KEMME, KENDALL, KENDRICK, KEPPEL, KERCHEVAL, KERNS, KERR, KERSWELL, KETTLE, KING, KINGSLAND, KIRBY, KLISE, KOK, KONING, KOOLE, KRAAI, KRADET, KRAMER, KRAUS, KRUID, KRUIT, KUIJSER, KUIPERS, KUISSERS, KUK, LACLEAR, LACY, LAGRA, LAHUIS, LAKE, LAMERS, LANGDON, LANMAN, LAVERTY, LAWRANCE, LAWRENCE, LAWVER, LEENHOUTS, LEGG, LEWIS, LIEVENSE, LILLIE, LILLY, LINCOLN, LITCHFIELD, LITTLE, LIVINGSTON, LLOYD, LOGUE, LOMBARD, LORD, LOVELL, LOWE, LOWELL, LUBBERS, LYBRAKER, LYMAN, MACK, MACY, MALONE, MANNING, MANROE, MANTERSTOCK, MARCH, MARKLE, MARMONT, MARSEL, MARSHALL, MARVIN, MASON, MATER, MAXFIELD, MAYO, MCCARTY, MCCAUSLAND, MCCUAN, MCDOWELL, MCINTOSH, MCKENNEY, MCKINNEY, MCKYES, MCREYNOLDS, MECUWSEN, MEENYS, MEEUWSE, MEIJERING, MELLINK, MERIAM, MERRELINK, MERRILL, MERRITT, MERROW, MESNARD, MICHAELS, MICKLES, MILLER, MILLS, MILNE, MINER, MINTURN, MONDAY, MONROE, MONTAGUE, MOODY, MOORE, MORGAN, MORRISON, MORSE, MOSELL, MOWRY, MOYNIHAN, MULDER, MULLETT, MUNROE, MYERS, NAGEL, NAGNAY, NAMES, NEAL, NEWBERRY, NEWCOMB, NEWEG, NEWMAN, NEWTON, NICOLE, NICOLL, NIENHUIS, NIJSSEN, NORTON, NOTTING, NOUTOIT, NYLAND, NYSSEN, OAKS, OLIVER, OONK, OOSTEMA, OSGOOD, OSTENRYK, OSTROM, OWEN, PAGE, PALMER, PANCOST, PARK, PARKER, PARKS, PATCHEN, PATCHIN, PATTON, PAYNE, PEASE, PENN, PENNOYER, PERKINS, PERRY, PEW, PFANSTICHL, PICKETT, PIEL, PIERCE, PITTS, PITTSINGER, PIXLEY, PLAGGEMARS, PLASMAN, POLHAMUS, PONGEREN, POOLE, PORTER, POST, PRATT, PRESTON, PRIEST, PUMP, PURCHASE, QUACKENBOSS, QUIGLEY, RAALTE, RABBERS, RAMSEY, RANDALL, RANNEY, RANSOM, RATERING, RATHBONE, REALY, REED, REENDERS, REGLIN, REINHOLD, RESINK, RICE, RICKNER, RISDON, ROBART, ROBERTS, ROBINSON, ROCKWELL, ROESINK, ROMEYN, RONGE, ROWBOTTOM, ROYCE, RUCH, SACKET, SAGE, SAGERS, SALTER, SALYER, SANDERSON, SANFORD, SAWYER, SCHAAP, SCHEPERS, SCHERMERHORN, SCHOELING, SCHOEMAKERS, SCHOON, SCHOUT, SCHREWER, SCOTT, SEVERANCE, SEYLEE, SEYMOUR, SHE, SHEFFIELD, SHELDON, SHENICH, SHEPARD, SHERMAN, SHULTZ, SIBLEY, SICKMAN, SIERSENIA, SILSBEE, SIMMONS, SLAGTER, SLATER, SLAYTON, SMACK, SMALLEGAUGE, SMITH, SMITS, SNEY, SPALDING, SPEAR, SPENCER, SPRIK, SQUIRE, SQUIRES, STAAL, STAFFORD, STANDER, STANDISH, STANFORD, STANLEY, STANSBURY, STARKWEATHER, STEARNS, STEEL, STEELE, STEFFENS, STEGEMAN, STEGENGA, STEGINGA, STEKETEE, STEPHENS, STERKEN, STERNEBORG, STEVENS, STEWART, STICKNEY, STILWILL, STOCKING, STOCKINS, STODDARD, STONE, STORING, STRABBING, STREETER, STROHECKER, STRONG, STUART, STUCK, SUMNER, SVLIET, SWEETSER, SYLVESTER, TAINTER, TALBOT, TAYLOR, TEALL, THAIR, THATCHER, THAYER, THROOP, THUIS, TIRBROOK, TORREY, TORRY, TOUSLEY, TOWNER, TOWNSEND, TOWNSON, TRACY, TRATTLES, TREADWELL, TREE, TRICK, TRIMPE, TRIPP, TRUMBALL, TRUMBULL, TRYON, TWOGOOD, TYLER, UMLOR, UPTON, VAN BALGOOYEN, VAN BECK, VAN BRAAK, VAN DE LAARE, VAN DE LUYSTER, VAN DEER MEIDEN, VAN DEN BERG, VAN DEN BOS, VAN DEN BOSCH, VAN DER HAAR, VAN DER MEULEN, VAN DER MEULIN, VAN DER MULEN, VAN DER VAAN, VAN DER WERP, VAN DER WONDE, VAN DERHAVEN, VAN DRUNEN, VAN DURAN, VAN DUREN, VAN DYK, VAN DYKE, VAN HEES, VAN MUNSTER, VAN NUL, VAN PATTEN, VAN RAALTE, VAN RHEE, VAN STEENSEL, VAN TONGUEN, VAN WIJNEN, VAN WYK, VANDER MEER, VANDER MEULEN, VANDERMEER, VANDUSEN, VEEN, VELDERMAN, VELSEY, VELZY, VERHAGE, VERWAAYEN, VISSCHER, VISSERS, VOORENKAMP, VORK, VOSBURGH, VREDENBURG, VREDEVELD, WA, WADSWORTH, WAINWRIGHT, WAKKER, WALKER, WALTON, WARD, WASSEN, WATSON, WEBSTER, WEDEMAN, WEENER, WELLS, WELTON, WENDEGOWISH, WENDELL, WERKMAN, WESENBURG, WESTING, WEVER, WHEELER, WHITE, WHITING, WHITNEY, WICKS, WIDGER, WIGHT, WILCOX, WILDER, WILLIAMS, WILSON, WILTERDINK, WINTER, WISE, WISNER, WISSING, WITBECK, WITTERDINK, WOLBEREUK, WOLTING, WOLTMAN, WOOD, WOODBURY, WOODRUFF, WOODWARD, WRIGHT, WYNGARDEN, YEOMANS, YOUKER, YOUNG, ZAALMINK, ZAGERS, ZWIERSBack to Top of DescriptionBook SpecificationsBinding OptionCopyright YearDimensionsISBNISBN13Paperback20108-5/16" x 10-3/4"142031436X9781420314366Back to Top of Description