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European Integration : Scope and Limits, Paperback by Holmes, M., Brand New, ...

European Integration : Scope and Limits, Paperback by Holmes, M., ISBN 1349423009, ISBN-13 9781349423002, Brand New, Free shipping in the US While acknowledging the ability of the European Union to advance towards greater political and economic integration, this book questions the wisdom of the European 'project'. Economic and monetary union is a risky venture even for the convergent countries of the continent - let alone divergent Britain - as the uncertain birth of the Euro proves. Political union, moreover, remains an elite aspiration which weakens democratic accountability and lacks popular legitimacy. The likelihood is that the full scope of EU integration will also reveal profound limits.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleEuropean Integration : Scope and Limits
PublisherPalgrave Macmillan The Limited
Item Length8 in
Publication Year2001
FormatTrade Paperback
AuthorM. Holmes
GenrePolitical Science
TopicInternational Relations / General, General, World / European
Item Weight9.9 Oz
Item Width5 in
Number of PagesIX, 242 Pages

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