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Ethics by Dietrich Bonhoeffer 1965 Paperback PB Theology Christian Religion Book

This 1965 paperback book titled "Ethics" by Dietrich Bonhoeffer is a valuable addition to any library. The book covers topics on theology and Bibles, delving into philosophy and ethical teachings. The author, Bonhoeffer, is a renowned Christian theologian whose works have been translated into multiple languages, including English. The book is in good condition and has been published by Macmillan Publishing. It has a publication year of 1965 and falls under the categories of "Books & Magazines" and "Books". This paperback edition is easy to carry around and is perfect for someone interested in theology and philosophy.

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Publication Year1965
Book TitleETHICS
PublisherMacmillan Publishing
TopicTheology, Bibles

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