About the Book
Books about the History of Great Britain follow the historical developments and ultimate union of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. After centuries of Roman rule, in 1066 England was invaded by the Normans, and in 1707 England, Scotland and Wales formed the United Kingdom. The British Empire came to occupy one-quarter of the earth's land surface, but was weakened by World War 1, and was dismantled shortly after World War 2. Titles include: A Short History of England, Ireland, And Scotland, Ancient Britain in the Light of Modern Archæological Discoveries, The Legal Code of Ælfred the Great, Documents Illustrative of Sir William Wallace: His Life and Times, Edward the First, A short history of English rural life from the Anglo-Saxon invasion to the present time, Condition of the Border at the union: destruction of the Graham clan, A Historical Account of the Belief in Witchcraft in Scotland, Guy Fawkes; Or, a Complete History of the Gunpowder Treason, History of Mary Queen of Scots, Huntingdonshire and the Spanish Armada, Memorable Wars of Scotland, King Edward VII as a Man and Monarch, Sir Francis Drake, Sir Walter Raleigh, The Parliamentary Generals of the Great Civil War, Oliver Cromwell: The Story of His Life and Work, and The Foundation and Growth of the British Empire.
Also in this Book
Books on the Study and Teaching of History analyze the profession that discovers, researches and compiles documentary and other evidence relating to past events in order to understand historical processes. Teachers of history use a range of techniques to impart the knowledge of historical research to students of the subject.
And in this Book
Books on British and Irish Theatre mainly contain the full scripts of plays that were written in Britain and Ireland. The theatre flourished in Elizabethan times, led by William Shakespeare, was paused during the Puritan period, but restored in the late 17th century. Other titles provide critical analysis of plays. A long list of British and Irish plays written and performed between the 16th and 20th centuries has been preserved, some examples being: the full complement of Shakespeare's plays, Golden Texts from the Works of William Shakespeare, Marlowe's The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus, Sweet Lavender, The Mob, The Case of Rebellious Susan, Tristram & Iseult, The Sorcerer, and The Admirable Crichton.
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