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East Asia, Globalization and the New Economy by F. Gerard Adams (English) Hardco

Modern logistics based on cheap communication and transportation are shifting the locus of production and the international division of labour between the West and the lower wage countries of East Asia and similar changes are occurring within East Asia itself.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleEast Asia, Globalization and the New Economy
Subject AreaPolitical Science, Computers, Social Science, Business & Economics
Publication NameEast Asia, Globalization and the New Economy
Item Length9.6 in
SubjectEthnic Studies / General, Globalization, Economics / General, Economics / Theory, E-Commerce / General (See Also Computers / Electronic Commerce), Information Technology
Publication Year2006
SeriesRoutledge Studies in the Growth Economies of Asia Ser.
Item Height0.7 in
AuthorF. Gerard Adams
Item Weight16 Oz
Item Width6.5 in
Number of Pages208 Pages

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