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In her provocative new book, Stacie Goffin presents a leadership manifesto to the field of early childhood education: It should step forward as an agent for change by assuming responsibility for the competent practice of its practitioners and for facilitating positive results for children and their learning. As a field of practice, ECE should formally organize as a profession to realize consistency in practice across sites and program types. Goffin challenges the field to develop fieldwide leadership and diminish its reliance on public policy for defining its purpose and structure. Offering a fresh viewpoint on national efforts to improve program quality and children's learning and development, the book concludes with "Next Steps Commentaries" written by education luminaries Rolf Grafwallner, Jacqueline Jones, and Pamela J. Winton outlining concrete action steps to jump-start the essential discussion about moving forward.We deliver by Australia Post. (Where Applicable) Australia Post / Ebay recently INCREASED postage fees by 18% By the time postage fees for this book are taken off the purchase price (depending on the weight of the book) It means this book is selling for under $2.00B Visit our store!bargainseverywhere_8 Categories Other DVD Movies Music CD's Books LP(Vinyl) Records Nick Nacks Electronics Home Payment
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