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Early Childhood and Development Work: Theories, Policies, and Practices by Helen

Dr. Penn is an expert on early education and childcare policies. She works in many countries for international bodies such as the EU and the OECD and has a particular interest in developing countries.

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ConditionBrand New
Publication NameNA
Book TitleEarly Childhood and Development Work : Theories, Policies, and Practices
Book SeriesPalgrave Studies on Children and Development Ser.
PublisherSpringer International Publishing A&G
Item Length8.3 in
Publication Year2019
FormatTrade Paperback
Item Height0.5 in
AuthorHelen Penn
GenrePolitical Science
TopicPublic Policy / General, International Relations / General, Comparative Politics
Item Weight16 Oz
Item Width5.8 in
Number of PagesXv, 227 Pages

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