How to Prove It: A Structured Approach von Daniel J. Velleman Unsere Shops ☰ Belletristik Biografien Computer Esoterik Fachbücher Fahrzeuge Fußball Gesundheit Hörbücher Unsere Shops Belletristik Biografien Computer Esoterik Fachbücher Fahrzeuge Fußball Gesundheit Hörbücher Kinderbücher Kochen Krimis Kultur Ratgeber Reisen Sachbücher Schule Science Fiction Sport Tiere Tiere & Natur Zeitgeschichte Weitere Bücher:
Daniel J. Velleman
of this publishing house
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Informationstheorie Datenverarbeitung / Datenverschlüsselung Kryptografie Kryptologie Mathematik Menge - Mengenlehre Diskret (mathematisch) Algorithmus Kommunikationswissenschaft MATHEMATICS / Combinatorics
How to Prove It: A Structured Approachvon Daniel J. Velleman
Art Nr.: 1108439535
ISBN 13: 9781108439534
SubTitle: A Structured Approach
Release Year: 2019
Published by: Cambridge University Pr.
Edition: Taschenbuch
Cover: Taschenbuch
Cover Format: 223x155x30 mm
Pages: 458
Weight: 760 g
Language: Englisch
Author: Daniel J. Velleman
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Weitere Bücher:
Daniel J. Velleman
of this publishing house
Mehr zum Thema
Informationstheorie Datenverarbeitung / Datenverschlüsselung Kryptografie Kryptologie Mathematik Menge - Mengenlehre Diskret (mathematisch) Algorithmus Kommunikationswissenschaft MATHEMATICS / Combinatorics
Beschreibung Description Proofs play a central role in advanced mathematics and theoretical computer science, yet many students struggle the first time they take a course in which proofs play a significant role. This bestselling text's third edition helps students transition from solving problems to proving theorems by teaching them the techniques needed to read and write proofs. Featuring over 150 new exercises and a new chapter on number theory, this new edition introduces students to the world of advanced mathematics through the mastery of proofs. The book begins with the basic concepts of logic and set theory to familiarize students with the language of mathematics and how it is interpreted. These concepts are used as the basis for an analysis of techniques that can be used to build up complex proofs step by step, using detailed 'scratch work' sections to expose the machinery of proofs about numbers, sets, relations, and functions. Assuming no background beyond standard high school mathematics, this book will be useful to anyone interested in logic and proofs: computer scientists, philosophers, linguists, and, of course, mathematicians. Read Sample: Helps students transition from problem solving to proving theorems, with a new chapter on number theory and over 150 new exercises. Information of Author Velleman, Daniel J.Daniel J. Velleman is Julian H. Gibbs '46 Professor of Mathematics, Emeritus at Amherst College, and was a professor at Amherst College from 1983 to 2017. He received his B.A. from Dartmouth College in 1976, and his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin, Madison in 1980. His other books include Which Way Did the Bicycle Go? (with Stan Wagon and Joe Konhauser, 1996), Philosophies of Mathematics (with Alexander George, 2002), and Calculus: A Rigorous First Course (2016). Among his awards and distinctions are the Chauvenet Prize, the Paul R. Halmos-Lester R. Ford Award, the Carl B. Allendoerfer Award, and the Chandler Davis Prize for Expository Excellence. He was Editor of Dolciani Mathematical Expositions from 1999 to 2004 and the American Mathematical Monthly from 2007 to 2011. Kurzbeschreibung Titel: How to Prove It: A Structured Approach, Untertitel: A Structured Approach, Einband: Taschenbuch, Autor: Daniel J. Velleman, Verlag: Cambridge University Pr., Sprache: Englisch, Seiten: 458, Maße: 223x155x30 mm, Gewicht: 760 g, Verkäufer: bochumer-buchshop, Schlagworte: Informationstheorie Datenverarbeitung / Datenverschlüsselung, Kryptografie Kryptologie Mathematik Menge - Mengenlehre Diskret (mathematisch) Algorithmus Kommunikationswissenschaft MATHEMATICS / Combinatorics Bitte beachten Sie unsere Kundeninformationen, Datenschutzerklärung und Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen, welche Sie in dem Feld „Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen für dieses Angebot“ finden. Powered by INFORIUS