The Nile on eBay FREE SHIPPING UK WIDE Critical Terms for the Study of Gender by Catharine R. Stimpson, Gilbert Herdt
Provides an introduction to the study of gender through an exploration of key terms that are a part of everyday discourse in this vital subject. This title features twenty-one essays that cast an appropriately broad net, spanning the study of gender and sexuality across the humanities and social sciences.
FORMATPaperback LANGUAGEEnglish CONDITIONBrand New Publisher Description
"Gender systems pervade and regulate human lives-in law courts and operating rooms, ballparks and poker clubs, hair-dressing salons and kitchens, classrooms and playgroups. . . . Exactly how gender works varies from culture to culture, and from historical period to historical period, but gender is very rarelynotat work. Nor does gender operate in isolation. It is linked to other social structures and sources of identity."So write women's studies pioneer Catharine R. Stimpson and anthropologist Gilbert Herdt in their introduction toCritical Terms for the Study of Gender, laying out the wide-ranging nature of this interdisciplinary and rapidly changing field. The sixth in the series of "Critical Terms" books, this volume provides an indispensable introduction to the study of gender through an exploration of key terms that are a part of everyday discourse in this vital subject.Following Stimpson and Herdt's careful account of the evolution of gender studies and its relation to women's and sexuality studies, the twenty-one essays here cast an appropriately broad net, spanning the study of gender and sexuality across the humanities and social sciences. Written by a distinguished group of scholars, each essay presents students with a history of a given term-frombodiestoutopia-and explains the conceptual baggage it carries and the kinds of critical work it can be made to do. The contributors offer incisive discussions of topics ranging fromdesire,identity,justice, andkinshiptolove,race, andreligionthat suggest new directions for the understanding of gender studies. The result is an essential reference addressed to students studying gender in very different disciplinary contexts.
Author Biography
Catharine R. Stimpson is University Professor and dean emerita of the Graduate School of Arts and Science at New York University. She is the founding editor of Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society. Gilbert Herdt is professor in and director of the Graduate Program in Human Sexuality at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco and director emeritus of the National Sexuality Resource Center at San Francisco State University. His books include Sambia Sexual Culture: Essays from the Field, also published by the University of Chicago Press.
Table of Contents
Introduction * Catharine R. Stimpson and Gilbert Herdt 1 Bodies * Carroll Smith- Rosenberg 2 Culture * Kate Crehan 3 Desire * Lauren Berlant 4 Ethnicity * Anna Sampaio 5 Globalization * Carla Freeman 6 Human Rights * Elizabeth Swanson Goldberg 7 Identity * Raewyn Connell 8 Justice * Jane Mansbridge 9 Kinship * Janet Carsten 10 Language * Deborah Cameron 11 Love * Lauren Berlant 12 Myth * Wendy Doniger 13 Nature * Anne Fausto- Sterling 14 Posthuman * Ruth A. Miller 15 Power * Wendy Brown and Joan W. Scott 16 Public / Private * Michael Warner 17 Race * Hortense Spillers 18 Regulation * Judith Butler 19 Religion * Regina M. Schwartz 20 Sex / Sexuality / Sexual Classification * David M. Halperin 21 Utopia * Sally L. Kitch Contributors Index
"Gender systems pervade and regulate human lives-in law courts and operating rooms, ballparks and poker clubs, hair-dressing salons and kitchens, classrooms and playgroups.... Exactly how gender works varies from culture to culture, and from historical period to historical period, but gender is very rarely not at work. Nor does gender operate in isolation. It is linked to other social structures and sources of identity."
Review Quote
"This modest title belies an extraordinary collection.
Details ISBN0226774813 Short Title CRITICAL TERMS FOR THE STUDY O Language English ISBN-10 0226774813 ISBN-13 9780226774817 Media Book Format Paperback Year 2014 Imprint University of Chicago Press Place of Publication Chicago, IL Country of Publication United States Edited by Gilbert Herdt Birth 1936 DEWEY 305.3 Author Gilbert Herdt Illustrations black & white illustrations DOI 10.1604/9780226774817 Series Critical Terms UK Release Date 2014-07-16 Publication Date 2014-07-16 AU Release Date 2014-07-16 NZ Release Date 2014-07-16 US Release Date 2014-07-16 Pages 536 Publisher The University of Chicago Press Audience Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly We've got this
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