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Crime And Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky (English) Paperback Book

This was followed by short stories and the novel The Double. While at work on Netochka Nezvanova, the twenty-seven-year-old author was arrested for belonging to a young socialist group. Her books on Dostoyevsky include Dostoyevsky and The Idiot- Author, Narrator, and Reader and The Brothers Karamazov- Worlds of the Novel.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleCrime and Punishment
PublisherPenguin Publishing Group
Item Length6.9 in
Publication Year2006
FormatUk- a Format Paperback
Item Height1.2 in
AuthorFyodor Dostoyevsky
TopicPsychological, Classics, Crime
Item Weight9.3 Oz
Item Width4.2 in
Number of Pages560 Pages

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