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Confederate Cavalry West of the River by Stephen B. Oates (English) Paperback Bo

Another Confederate cavalry raid impends. You hear the snort of an impatient horse, the leathery squeaking of saddles, the low-voiced commands of officers, the muffled cluck of guns cocked in preparation—then the sudden rush of motion, the din of another attack.This classic story seeks to illuminate a little-known theater of the Civil War—the cavalry battles of the Trans-Mississippi West, a region that included Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, the Indian Territory, and part of Louisiana.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleConfederate Cavalry West of the River
Publication Year1992
Publication NameConfederate Cavalry West of the River
Item Height229 mm
AuthorStephen B. Oates
PublisherUniversity of Texas Press
Item Weight635 g
Item Width152 mm
Number of Pages262 Pages

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