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Communication and Colonialism in Eastern India: Bihar, 1760s-1880s (Anthem

Through a regional focus on Bihar between the 1760s and 1880s, 'Communication and Colonialism in Eastern India' reveals the shifting and contradictory nature of the colonial state's policies and discourses on communication. The volume explores the changing relationship between trade, transport and mobility in India, as evident in the trading and mercantile networks operating at various scales of the economy. Of crucial importance to this study are the ways in which knowledge about roads and routes was collected through practices of travel, tours, surveys, and map-making, all of which benefited the state in its attempts to structure a regime that would regulate 'undesirable' forms of mobility.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleCommunication and Colonialism in Eastern India: Bi
Item Length22.9 cm
Item Weight0.46 kg
Publication Year2014
Publication NameCommunication and Colonialism in Eastern India: Bihar, 1760s-1880s
Item Height229 mm
AuthorNitin Sinha
PublisherAnthem Press
Item Width153 mm
Number of Pages310 Pages

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