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Collective for a Socialist Architecture by Jesko Fezer (English) Paperback Book

Collective for a Socialist Architecture by Jesko Fezer, Christian Hiller, Nikolaus Hirsch. Author Jesko Fezer, Christian Hiller, Nikolaus Hirsch. Research into individuals like Arthur Korn, Alexander Altberg, and Hermann Duncker and their links to projects like the CIAM, the Marxistische Arbeiterschule, and the Bauhaus, as well as their connections with the USSR, demonstrates the degree to which the networks and political attitudes of modernist architecture were interwoven with one another.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleCollective for a Socialist Architecture : Proletarian Building Exhibition
PublisherDreen, Markus, Anne Koenig U. JAN Wenzel. Spectormag Gbr
Item Length11.6 in
Publication Year2016
FormatTrade Paperback
Item Height0.6 in
AuthorJesko Fezer
TopicUrban & Land Use Planning, Criticism
Item Weight22.6 Oz
Item Width8.6 in
Number of Pages176 Pages

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