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CIVIL WAR The Comanches: A History of White's Battalion, Virginia Cavalry

This hardcover book titled "CIVIL WAR 'The Comanches: A History of White's Battalion, Virginia Cavalry'" is a must-have for history enthusiasts. The book, originally published in 1871 was reprinted in 1985 by Stonewall House Alexandria VA. The book offers a detailed account of the Civil War history of Virginia Cavalry's White's Battalion. The author, Frank M. Myers, has done an exceptional job of researching and presenting the history of the Comanches in an engaging manner. It is an ideal addition to any history book collection and a great resource for anyone interested in Civil War history.

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Seller dchs1974 ( 3057 ⭐ ) 99.4%
Location: Lancaster, US, Pennsylvania
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Condition1985 Reprint Good Condition as pictured. Tight bind. Clean inside.
Publication Year1985
Book TitleThe Comanches-The History of White's Batalion Virginia Cavalry
Book SeriesHistorical
AuthorFrank M. Myers
PublisherStonewall House
TopicCivil War History Virginia Calvary

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