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Citizenship Education and Migrant Youth in China: Pathways to the Urban Undercla

However, their inclusion in urban public schools is a surprisingly slow process, and youth identities in newly industrialized countries remain largely neglected. Faced with monetary and institutional barriers, the majority of migrant youth attend low-quality or underperforming migrant schools, without access to the free compulsory education enjoyed by their urban counterparts.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleCitizenship Education and Migrant Youth in China
Subject AreaPolitical Science, Social Science, Education
Publication NameCitizenship Education and Migrant Youth in China : Pathways to the Urban Underclass
Item Length9 in
SubjectMulticultural Education, General, Civics & Citizenship, Sociology / Urban, Philosophy, Theory & Social Aspects
Publication Year2017
SeriesRoutledge Research in International and Comparative Education Ser.
FormatTrade Paperback
AuthorMiao Li
Item Weight16 Oz
Item Width6 in
Number of Pages256 Pages

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