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Christchurch Architecture: A Walking Guide by Walsh, John

SIXTY BUILDINGS AND SIX ROUTES AROUND A REBUILDING CITY. The second in the series of guides to New Zealands urban architecture by the wellknown team of writer John Walsh and photographer Patrick Reynolds. This handy pocket-sized book suggests a series of city walks that take in both the historicbuildings that survived the earthquakes and the striking new buildings that have risen from the rubble, 60 buildings in total. Its the perfect guide for visitors to Christchurch and also for locals who want to know more about their city.

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ConditionBrand New
BrandMassey University
Publication Year2020
Book TitleChristchurch Architecture: a Walking Guide
Item Height178mm
AuthorPatrick Reynolds, John Walsh
PublisherMassey University Press
Item Width119mm
Item Weight240g
Number of Pages176 Pages

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