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Chinese Shadows by Simon Leys (1977, Hardcover)

Discover the rich history and culture of China with "Chinese Shadows" by Simon Leys. This hardcover book, published by Penguin Publishing Group in 1977, is a must-read for anyone interested in travel and Asia. With a weight of 320.7 Oz, this book is easy to carry and read on the go. The book is written in English and the original language is French. It covers topics such as Asia and China, making it a great addition to any bookshelf. The format is hardcover, which adds durability to the book. Get your hands on this valuable edition and explore the fascinating world of Chinese history and culture.

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Publication Year1977
Book TitleChinese Shadows
AuthorSimon Leys
PublisherPenguin Publishing Group
Original LanguageFrench
TopicAsia / China
Item Weight320.7 Oz

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