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Charles II's Illegitimate Children: Royal Bastards by Sarah-Beth Watkins Hardcov

Charles II had at least twelve illegitimate children that we know of. There was Nell Gywn's son, Charles Beauclerk, Duke of St Albans who was present at the siege of Belgrade in 1688\. The French mistress, Louise de Keroualle's son, Charles Lennox, Duke of Richmond who was an early patron of cricket.

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ConditionBrand New
Publication Year2023
Book TitleCharles Ii's Illegitimate Children : Royal Bastards
AuthorSarah-Beth Watkins
PublisherPen & Sword Books The Limited
GenreBiography & Autobiography, History
Item Length9.2 in
TopicEurope / Great Britain / Stuart Era (1603-1714), Royalty, Europe / Great Britain / General
Item Width6.1 in
Number of Pages216 Pages

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