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Charles Finney's Lectures on Revival: Selected Messages to Ignite You, Your

Charles Finney and his Lectures on Revival have impacted lives and churches for over 100 years. Will you allow your life to be changed next? This edition has been updated with today's reader in mind. Shortened to a more manageable size with questions added, it is now perfect for a small group study or personal six week challenge. Updated language and Bible translations make this book a great tool for every Christian. There is also a new section to help you plan a church-wide campaign. You stand on the edge of an exciting adventure that could change your Christian life forever. When people write the history of what God has done will they have to write about you? Start this adventure today and see where God will take you!

18.73$ Buy It Now

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Location: Hillsdale, AU, NSW
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ConditionBrand New
Item Length22.9 cm
Item Weight0.23 kg

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