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Bonded to the Abuser: How Victims Make Sense of Childhood Abuse

One particularly troubling and complicated aspect is how the child victim forms (and maintains) a “traumatic bond” with his abuser, even becoming protective and defensive of that person despite the pain and suffering they have caused.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleBonded to the Abuser: How Victims Make Sense of Ch
Item Length24.1 cm
Subject AreaSexual Abuse
Publication NameBonded to the Abuser: How Victims Make Sense of Childhood Abuse
PublisherRowman & Littlefield
SubjectLaw, Psychology
Publication Year2015
Item Height234 mm
AuthorMel Schneiderman, Amy J.L. Baker
Item Weight431 g
Item Width159 mm
Number of Pages186 Pages

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