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Bloomsbury Handbook of the Russian Revolution, Hardcover by Swain, Geoffrey (...

Through 30 interpretative essays,The Bloomsbury Handbook of the Russian Revolution sees an international team of leading scholars comprehensively examine Russia's revolutionary years. In the wake of the 2017 centenary, this handbook is the first reference point for anyone wishing to learn more about the changes which took place in Russia between 1917 and 1921 and subsequently the 20th century.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleBloomsbury Handbook of the Russian Revolution
Subject AreaHistory
Publication NameBloomsbury Handbook of the Russian Revolution
PublisherBloomsbury Publishing
Item Length9.4 in
SubjectEurope / Eastern, Russia & the Former Soviet Union, Modern / 20th Century, Revolutionary
Publication Year2023
SeriesBloomsbury Handbooks Ser.
Item Height1.6 in
AuthorCharlotte Alston
Item Weight39.8 Oz
Item Width6.5 in
Number of Pages656 Pages

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