About the author:
The Dark Lords are an order of sorcerers who explore various black magickal currents and ideologies in pursuit of unlimited power. They are establishing a lineage and an empire that will stand for the ages as a testament to the powers of Darkness. In their many books, they have promoted currents such as Sithism, Black Sunnism, Diabolism, Chaoism, Cosmicism and Dark Taoism, and will continue to explore these and other visions going forward.
The Dark Lords have also established a Black Temple, Black Lodge, Black Library and Black Tongue, which form the nexus of their sorcerous society. They are seeking select Acolytes and Apprentices to carry their lineage forward, maintain what they have built and expand upon it. Those who find their vision compelling, who have skills and resources worthy of their attention, may contact them at their site or via their publications.
More information about the Dark Lords' projects is available at thedarklords.com.
We await the arrival of powerful beings. Râk âm chod! (Power to you!)
~The Dark Lords~
About the Book
Borgâl (“Black Tongue”) is the liturgical and magickal language used by members of our Black Brotherhood to invoke power and command the external world. With this language, our Order shall rename all things in this world, thus imposing our thought-forms upon it and thereby conquering it. Borgâl is also our secret tongue, used to identify other members of our kind and separate ourselves from the White Magicians and mundanes of this world. Those who choose to learn Borgâl are a self-selecting elite, founders of a new cult, heralds of a new order and propagators of a new black magickal regime. This manual is an introduction to Borgâl for Acolytes, Apprentices and lay followers of our Order. The words and concepts contained herein should be studied and mastered by using them in conversation with other Black Magicians, reciting the sayings and mantras described in this book (and others you create), and writing in the Hârzad script. Practice makes powerful!
Note #1: Borgâl is not a complete language, but a partial work in progress. It is being revealed over time by myself, Dark Lord Ravuk and other Black Brothers, and is therefore subject to revision and expansion at any time. This Handbook is a first edition to get disciples started speaking, writing and thinking in the language of the Black Brotherhood. New editions will be forthcoming as more of the language is revealed.
Black & White Interior, 84 pgs.
Râk âm chod!
Dark Lord and scribe of the Black Brotherhood
~Dark Lords Shop (Discreet Shipping)