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Black Robe, Paperback by Collins, Wilkie; Mint Editions (COR), Brand New, Fre...

The Black Robe (1881) is a novel by Wilkie Collins. Offended by the young Englishman, the man challenges Romayne to a duel, but sends his son in his place. Wracked with guilt and trusting to a fault, Romayne walks right into his trap.

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ConditionBrand New
Publication Year2021
FormatTrade Paperback
Book TitleBlack Robe
Book SeriesMint Editions (Crime, Thrillers and Detective Work) Ser.
AuthorWilkie Collins
PublisherMint Editions
Item Length8 in
TopicEpistolary, Literary
Item Width5 in
Number of Pages306 Pages

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