***MERCENARIES KICKSTARTER MECHS AND VEHICLES CURRENTLY SOLD OUT!!!*** (see separate combined listing for Vehicles here: https://www.ebay.com/itm/196643513403?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=CwuF_4WUTdi&sssrc=2380676&ssuid=CwuF_4WUTdi&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)***Mercenary Kickstarter Mechs/Vehicles will hopefully see a restock sometime in October/November***Battletech Mechs (individual miniatures) with corresponding Alpha Strike and Pilot Cards included unless noted on the individual mech entry. All figures and cards are new and unplayed.Clan Elementals do not come with any cards.Awesome and Battlemaster from the AGOAC come on the same card - I now have individual listings for each of these with and without the Alpha Strike/Pilot cards. (I also occasionally list them as a set, in a separate listing from this one).Inventory regularly updated, so check back if something isn't currently in stock or feel free to message me and ask.***Shipping***Flat $4.75 Shipping in the US per combined order, with no limit on individual miniatures. International shipping handled through Ebay Global Shipping Program (buyer pays).**International buyers - Please contact me if you want to add additional items and I can set up a custom lot for you with the correct shipping cost. I will also combine shipping automatically and issue a refund if it is calculated incorrectly by the system.keywords: BattleTech Classic, Alpha Strike, Alpha Strike Box Set, Force Packs, Kickstarter, Clan Invasion, Wolf's Dragoons Assault Star, Hansen's Roughriders Battle Lance, Northwind Highlanders Command Lance, Kell Hounds Striker Lance, Comstar, Comstar Command Level II, Comstar Battle Level II, Inner Sphere, Inner Sphere Battle Lance, Inner Sphere Command Lance, Inner Sphere Direct Fire Lance, Inner Sphere Fire Lance, Inner Sphere Heavy Battle Lance, Inner Sphere Heavy Lance, Unicorns are pretty neat, Inner Sphere Striker Lance, Inner Sphere Support Lance, Inner Sphere Urban Lance, Clan Ad Hoc Star, Clan Command Star, Clan Elemental Star, Clan Fire Star, Clan Heavy Battle Star, Clan Heavy Star, Clan Heavy Striker Star, Clan Support Star, Periphery, Mercenary, Aerotech Shilone, Strana Mechty warehouse of goodness, Snord's Irregulars, Gray Death Legion, Proliferation Cycle, Urbanmech warehouse, Eridani Light Horse, Frankenmech, Mercenaries Kickstarter, You dare to refuse muh Batchall?!!