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Basics of the Finite Element Method by Paul E. Allaire

This book titled "Basics of the Finite Element Method" by Paul E. Allaire is a hardcover publication from William C Brown Publishers. It was published in 1985 and is written in English. The book covers various topics including Mechanics/Fluids, Mechanics/General, Numerical Analysis, and Mechanics/Thermodynamics. It has a total of 691 pages and weighs 3.02 pounds. The ISBN-10 is 0697001199 and it falls under the categories of Books and Books & Magazines.

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Publication NameWilliam C Brown Pub
Book TitleBasics of the Finite Element Method
PublisherWm. C. Brown Publishers
Publication Year1985
AuthorPaul E. Allaire
GenreScience, Mathematics
TopicMechanics / Fluids, Mechanics / General, Numerical Analysis, Mechanics / Thermodynamics
Item Weight3.02 pounds
Number of Pages691

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