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B/EB-66 Destroyer Units in Combat (Combat Aircraft), Davies, Laurier, Hector..

Author: Peter E. Davies, Jim Laurier, Gareth Hector ISBN 10: 1472845072. Title: B/EB-66 Destroyer Units in Combat (Combat Aircraft) Item Condition: New. Will be clean, not soiled or stained.

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ConditionBrand New
TitleB/EB-66 Destroyer Units in Combat (Combat Aircraft)
Book TitleB/Eb-66 Destroyer Units in Combat
Book SeriesCombat Aircraft Ser.
PublisherBloomsbury Publishing
Item Length10.6 in
Publication Year2021
FormatTrade Paperback
IllustratorHector, Gareth, Laurier, Jim, Yes
Item Height0.2 in
AuthorPeter E. Davies
TopicUnited States / 20th Century, Military / Vietnam War, Asia / General, Military / Aviation
Item Weight10.9 Oz
Item Width6.3 in
Number of Pages96 Pages

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