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B-24 Liberator Haulers : Transport and Personnel Variants During Ww2, Hardcov...

But there was another part to this famous four-engine aircraft – one that is less well the Douglas C-47 Dakota is deservedly celebrated as the most important twin-engine transport aircraft of the war, the early use of the four-engine Consolidated B-24 Liberator bomber as a passenger carrier is virtually unknown but was as important.

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ConditionBrand New
Publication Year2024
Book TitleB-24 Liberator Haulers : Transport and Personnel Variants During Ww2
AuthorWilliam Wolf
PublisherPen & Sword Books The Limited
GenreTechnology & Engineering, History
Item Length9.8 in
TopicMilitary Science, Military / World War II, Military / Aviation
Item Width6.8 in
Number of Pages296 Pages

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