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See attached photo's above for the synopsis of this book as taken from either the back cover or inside the book.This is a large heavy book (weighing about 1.7kg unpackaged), hence the price which includes postage in AUThe pictures are of the actual book for sale.In Stock In AustraliaWe deliver by Australia Post. (Where Applicable) Australia Post / Ebay recently INCREASED postage fees by 30%But DECREASED the size of their satchels and boxes. By the time postage fees for this book are taken off the purchase price(depending on the weight of the book) It means this book is selling for under $2.00 Visit our store!bargainseverywhere_8 Payment
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We are an Australian Owned & Operated Small Home Based Business. All items in stock and shipped from Melbourne.
_gsrx_vers_1516 (GS 9.3 (1516)) A Note About Postage?If ebay says this item will take 2 months to be delivered to you - IT IS INCORRECT! It appears to be a technical glitch with ebay. We post most of our books within 24 hours, so you should have it within a week.