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Artificial Intelligence for a Sustainable Industry 4.0 by Shashank Awasthi

Dr. Shashank Awasthi is a Ph.D. degree holder in Computer Science & Engineering. He is M.Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering from Dr. APJ Kalam Technical university, Lucknow and MCA from Dr. BR Ambedkar University Agra.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleArtificial Intelligence for a Sustainable Industry
Item Length23.4 cm
Item Weight0.63 kg
Publication Year2021
Subject AreaElectrical Engineering
Publication NameArtificial Intelligence for a Sustainable Industry 4.0
Item Height235 mm
AuthorShashank Awasthi, Dinesh Kumar Singh, Goutam Sanyal, Carlos M. Travieso-Gonzalez
PublisherSpringer Nature Switzerland Ag
SubjectEngineering & Technology, Computer Science
Item Width155 mm
Number of Pages307 Pages

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