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Ann Craven: Animals, Birds, Flowers, Moons by Ann Craven (English) Hardcover Boo

Peacocks showcase their plumage; birds perch on a branch; a trio of horses pose "just so.". The book is divided into three parts, each paired with one of three texts: two newly commissioned essays by Durga Chew-Bose and Keith Mayerson, and a 2021 interview between Craven and Lois Dodd.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleAnn Craven: Animals, Birds, Flowers, Moons
Item Length11.2 in
Publication Year2021
Item Height0.8 in
AuthorAnn Craven
TopicIndividual Artists / Monographs, Subjects & Themes / Plants & Animals
Item Weight41.7 Oz
Item Width11.2 in
Number of Pages108 Pages

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