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And A Kangaroo Too by National Gallery of Australia (English) Hardcover Book

Images of animals inhabit Australian Aboriginal Art. Goannas, Magpie Geese, Crocodiles, Kangaroos, Emus, Possums and Turtles are among the many wondrous animals that inhabit this book. Magpie geese (gurrumatji), a goanna (carda), saltwater crocodiles(baru), an emu (gugaamgan), possums (marrngu), sharks (balangu) and, ofcourse, a kangaroo (wambuyn) are among the animals that can be found inthe twenty six works of art illustrated in And a KangarooToo.

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ConditionBrand New
Publication NameNA
Publication Year2013
Book TitleAnd a Kangaroo Too
Item Height155mm
AuthorNational Gallery of Australia
PublisherNational Gallery of Australia
GenreChildren & Young Adults
Item Width155mm
Number of Pages56 Pages

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