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Ancient Greece Prehistoric Classical Hellenistic Minoan Crete Mycenae Asia Egypt

A highly readable account of ancient Greece, particularly useful as an introductory or review text for the student or the general reader. The Minoan Civilization was thriving, as the Cycladic Civilization seems to have been, long before the accepted modern dates which mark its existence and probably earlier than 6000 B.C.

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ConditionBrand New
Country/Region of ManufactureGreece
TopicAncient World
Countrycrete, Cyprus, Egypt, Greece, Syria, Turkey
TitleAncient Greece From Prehistoric To Hellenistic
TypeAcademic History
SubjectsHistory & Military
Publication Year1996
Length288 pages
Dimensions9¾ x 6½ x 1¼ inches; 1¼ pounds
PublisherYale University
Special AttributesDust Jacket, Illustrated

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