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Ancient Europe from the beginnings of Agriculture to Classical Antiquity

Explore the roots of European agriculture and the ancient world with "Ancient Europe" by Stuart Piggott. This English-language book, published in 1970, delves into the history of farming and its impact on the development of civilization. Discover how agriculture paved the way for the rise of Classical Antiquity through its influence on politics, economics, and culture. This book is a must-have for those interested in European history and the origins of agriculture. With a focus on the topic of agriculture and its impact, readers will gain a unique perspective on the ancient world. Don't miss out on this fascinating read!

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Seller montgomery-prestige ( 801 ⭐ ) 100.0%
Location: Cheltenham, US, Pennsylvania
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Publication Year1970
Book TitleAncient Europe
AuthorStuart Piggott

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