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Algebraic L-theory and Topological Manifolds (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics)

This book presents a definitive account of the applications of the algebraic L-theory to the surgery classification of topological manifolds. The central result is the identification of a manifold structure in the homotopy type of a Poincare duality space with a local quadratic structure in the chain homotopy type of the universal cover.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleAlgebraic L-theory and Topological Manifolds (Camb
Item Length22.9 cm
Publication Year2008
Publication NameAlgebraic L-Theory and Topological Manifolds
Item Height228 mm
AuthorA. A. Ranicki
PublisherCambridge University Press
Item Weight600 g
Item Width151 mm
Number of Pages372 Pages

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