About the Book
Books about Christian Rituals and Worship discuss the liturgical practices, prayers, hymns, and ceremonies that were and continue to be practiced by various Catholic, Evangelical and Protestant denominations. Titles include: A Manual of Devotions for Domestic and Private Use, Baptismal obligations; or, The duties and responsibilities of God-parents and baptized persons, Being a Christian: What it Means and how to Begin, Devotions for Public and Private Use. At the Way of the Cross, Elevation in the Eucharist: Its History and Rationale, How to Obtain Fulness of Power in Christian Life and Service, Primary lessons in Christian living and healing, Spiritual Worship. A Lay Discourse, and What it Means to Be a Christian: The Evangelistic Message in Outline.
Also in this Book
Books about the History of Christianity discuss the origins and development of the Christian religion over the past two millennia, during which time Christianity spread throughout Europe, went through a Protestant Reformation in the 16th and 16th centuries, and developed several branches, including Orthodoxy, and from the Roman Catholic tradition emerged the Lutheran, Calvinist, Presbyterian and Anglican / Episcopalian traditions. Titles in this vast category include: A translation of the Latin writings of St. Patrick, Christianity and the Roman government, Church life and thought in North Africa A.D. 200, Die Mariologie Des Hl. Augustinus, Early Church Classics. The Epistle to Diognetus, History of the Christian Church from the Ascension of Jesus Christ to the Conversion of Constantine.The Ninth Edition, History of the Progress and Suppression of the Reformation in Spain in the Sixteenth Century, and How St. Andrew came to Scotland.
And in this Book
Books about Religious Education discuss the teaching of a given religion in terms of its history, core beliefs and doctrines, and the rights and responsibilities of its faithful. Titles include: A Survey of Religious Education in the Local Church, Church Students' Manual, Kleiner Katechismus mit Auslegung und Erklärung, Review Exercises in the Sunday-School: Their Value and Methods, The Christian Education of Youth, Talks to Sunday School Teachers, The modern Sunday school and its present day task, and The Use of the Story in Religious Education.
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