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Advances in Linear and Integer Programming (Oxford Lecture Series in

In recent years there has been an explosion of research into linear programming, as well as further steady advances in integer programming. This research has been reported in the research literature but there has been little done from the view of a "combined whole". This book aims to overcome this. With an international authorship of contributors from acknowledged experts in their field, this book provides a clear exposition on such topics as simplex algorithms, and interior point algorithms, both from a theoretical and a computational viewpoint. Surveying recent research that is currently only available in journals this topical book will be of interest not only in the field of mathematics, but also in computer science and operations research as well.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleAdvances in Linear and Integer Programming (Oxford
Item Length24.1 cm
Publication NameAdvances in Linear and Integer Programming
PublisherOxford University Press
SubjectComputer Science, Mathematics
Publication Year1996
SeriesOxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and Its Applications
Item Height241 mm
AuthorJ. E. Beasley
Item Weight575 g
Item Width159 mm
Number of Pages302 Pages

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