The Nile on eBay FREE SHIPPING UK WIDE Advances in Geometry by Jean-Luc Brylinski, Ranee Brylinski, Victor Nistor
it organizes weekly seminars as well as annual workshops The book contains 17 contributed articles on current research topics in a variety of fields: symplectic geometry, quantization, quantum groups, algebraic geometry, algebraic groups and invariant theory, and character istic classes.
FORMATHardcover LANGUAGEEnglish CONDITIONBrand New Publisher Description
This collection of invited mathematical papers by a list of distinguished mathematicians is an outgrowth of the scientific activities at the Center for Geometry and Mathematical Physics of Penn State University. The articles in this text present results or discuss perspectives on work that should be of interest to researchers and graduate students working in symplectic geometry and geometric quantization, deformation quantization, non-commutative geometry and index theory, quantum groups, holomorphic algebraic geometry and moduli spaces, quantum cohomology, algebraic groups and invariant theory, and characteristic classes.
Table of Contents
On Karabegov's Quantizations of Semisimple Coadjoint Orbits.- Exotic Differential Operators on Complex Minimal Nilpotent Orbits.- The Geometry Surrounding the Arnold-Liouville Theorem.- Symmetric Spaces and Star Representations.- Hyperplane Arrangements, Springer Representations and Exponents.- Comparison of the Beilinson-Chern Classes with the Chern-Cheeger-Simons Classes.- Geometric Construction of Quillen Line Bundles.- Quadratic Algebras, Dunkl Elements, and Schubert Calculus.- Logarithmic Forms with Twisted Coefficients.- Higher Holonomies, Geometric Loop Groups and Smooth Deligne Cohomology.- Moduli Spaces of Linkages and Arrangements.- Moduli Spaces of Flat Connections on 2-Manifolds, Cobordism, and Witten's Volume Formulas.- A Rigidity Property for QuantumSU(3) Groups.- On the Cohomology Ring of an Algebra.- On A Quantum Version of Pieri's Formula.- Some Non-Koszul Algebras.- A Variety of Solutions to the Yang-Baxter Equation.
Springer Book Archives
Long Description
This book is an outgrowth of the activities of the Center for Geometry and Mathematical Physics (CGMP) at Penn State from 1996 to 1998. The Center was created in the Mathematics Department at Penn State in the fall of 1996 for the purpose of promoting and supporting the activities of researchers and students in and around geometry and physics at the university. The CGMP brings many visitors to Penn State and has ties with other research groups; it organizes weekly seminars as well as annual workshops The book contains 17 contributed articles on current research topics in a variety of fields: symplectic geometry, quantization, quantum groups, algebraic geometry, algebraic groups and invariant theory, and character
Details ISBN0817640444 Author Victor Nistor Language English ISBN-10 0817640444 ISBN-13 9780817640446 Media Book Format Hardcover DEWEY 516 Year 1998 Imprint Birkhauser Boston Inc Place of Publication Secaucus Country of Publication United States Pages 403 Short Title ADVANCES IN GEOMETRY 1999/E Series Progress in Mathematics Series Number 172 Subtitle Volume 1 DOI 10.1007/b66106;10.1007/978-1-4612-1770-1 AU Release Date 1998-12-01 NZ Release Date 1998-12-01 US Release Date 1998-12-01 UK Release Date 1998-12-01 Publisher Birkhauser Boston Inc Edition Description 1999 ed. Edition 1999th Publication Date 1998-12-01 Alternative 9781461272748 Illustrations XI, 403 p. Audience Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly We've got this
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