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About Marine Mammals: A Guide for Children (About) by Cathryn P Sill

A thoughtful first glimpse into the world of marine mammals--from the small, playful sea otter to the gigantic blue whale. With beautifully detailed illustrations, About Marine Mammals tells children what is essential for understanding and appreciating marine mammals. An afterword--which includes a glossary and recommended books and websites--provides further detail for children and their parents about a wide variety of marine mammals. Former teacher Cathryn Sill and noted wildlife illustrator John Sill, use clear, informative text and illustrations to explain to children what marine mammals are, what they do, and how they live.

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ConditionBrand New
FormatHardback, 48 pages
AuthorCathryn P Sill
Book TitleAbout Marine Mammals: A Guide for Children (About)
Item Height1.5 cm
Item Length25.7 cm
Item Weight0.41 kg
Item Width21.8 cm
PublisherPeachtree Publishing Company

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